vid 2 Flashcards
- skillful use of means to accomplish a purpose.
It is an executive functions such as planning, organizing, directing and supervising, coordinating operating recording and budgeting traffic affairs.
Traffic Management
refers to the movement of person, goods or vehicle, either thru foot, powered by combustion system or thru animal drawn from one place to another for the purpose of travel
“Trafficare” means….
to carry on trade
entire width between boundary lines of every way or place of which any part is open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular traffic as a matter of right or custom.
Traffic Way
- part of traffic way over which motor vehicle pass.
either side of the roadway.
It is the science of measuring traffic and travel and the study of the basic laws relative to the traffic flow and generation, and application of this knowledge to the professional practice of planning, and the operating traffic systems to achieve safe and efficient movement of persons and goods.
Traffic Engineering
A sign usually made of a metal plate in a conspicuous location beside a road whereby a message is conveyed by means of words or symbols officially installed for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic
Traffic Road Sign
is also known as “caution signs”. These signs are intended to give caution for approashing road hazards.
Danger Warning signs
These are intended to give the road users of special obligation, restrictions or prohibition with which they must comply.
Regulatory signs
these are signs intended to regulate priority over a particular road section or roadway intersection.
Priority Signs
- these signs can be used on specified section of the road which will be easily see by motorist to indicate regulation which is prohibitive or restrictive in nature
Prohibitory signs
- these signs are intended to guide road users of special rules in which they must comply for the safety.
Mandatory signs
- also known as “guide signs” or “direction signs. These signs that actually give directional instructions for the driver to take.
- These are lines, patterns, words, colors set into surface to the roadway, officially placed for the purpose of regulating, warning, or traffic control.
- are white lines separating lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. Crossing of solid white line is discourage.
Single White Continuous Line
means passing to the left or right is allowed provided the way is clear.
Single White Dotted Line
- passing is permitted on the side of the broken line but not on side of solid line
- Indicates directions of permitted traffic movement.
Directional arrows
- Refers to a power operated traffic control device which traffic is warned or directed to take some specific actions.
- Developed the first world electric traffic lights in 1912 in Salt Lake City, Utah USA
Lester Wire
- these are the elevated areas, located at some part of the roadway. These are areas within the roadway constructed in a manner to establish physical channels through which vehicular traffic is guided.
These are constructed primarily to divide the streams of the motor vehicles.
- These are constructed to channelize or direct the flow of traffic.
- creates a circular flow in one direction which is found in intersection that has a circular central island.
- These are constructed between the pedestrian sidewalk and the road pavement to prevent motor vehicles from using the sidewalk for parking and passing purposes
- means the right to proceed ahead of another vehicle or pedestrian.
Right of way
- The process of giving training and practice in the actual application of traffic safety knowledge.
- places the student into real life of driving beginning.
- type of instruction depends on instructor-student communication
student-driver accompanied by an instructor while giving his comment.
-kind of training is that the behavior of the driver placed in condition will beanalogous to normal behavior.
static machine with all the important features of a car used in driving method training.
- It deals mostly on the implementation and enforcement o traffic laws and rules and regulations.
- A person who is duly deputized by an agency of government authorized by law to enforce traffic laws, rules and regulations.
Traffic Law Enforcer
- the basis of all traffic enforcement.
Traffic Laws
are mass publicity aimed to make road users behave more safely. These basically focus on public information attitudes, and particular or specific behavior or combinations of these.
Safety campaigns
- The part of traffic enforcement performed by the police and other agencies with police power including deterrent to law violation created by the presence of uniformed police officer and their special equipment, special assistance to court and prosecutors and incidental service to highway users.
Police Traffic Law Enforcement
- The part of traffic law enforcement performed by the court by adjudication and penalization.
Court Traffic Law Enforcement
- wholly police responsibility and entail looking for defects in the behavior of motorist, pedestrians, vehicles equipment and roadway condition. Requires knowledge on law on the part of the police.
- wholly a police responsibility where the police is required to take action at once to prevent continued and future violation.
While this is a court function, the police also provides corresponding influence through preparation and introduction of evidence or close contact with the prosecution officer.
- While is obviously a court function, the police provides influence on this step by acting as a witness to the 1 supplying additional evidence. This step determines the guilt or innocence
- The court imposes the penalty upon the accused. The penalty is greatly influenced by previous records of conviction as provided by the police.
- consists of legislation, police and the courts. Legislation defines and specifies correct or incorrect road user behavior. Police and the courts is charged with the responsibility of insuring that these are adhered to.
Enforcement system
- includes pedestrians, pedal cyclists, drivers, passengers and other.
Road-user system
- consists of the entire road and vehicle complex.
The traffic system
- is an enforcement action which consists of taking a person into custody for the purpose of holding or detaining him to answer a charge of law violation before a court.
- a means of having violators appear ir court without physical arrest.
shall be used in apprehension of all violations and it is strictly required to be issued tc the apprehended driver/operator at the site and time of apprehension.
Temporary Operator’s Permit (TOP)
used exclusively in Metro Manila
Traffic Violators Receipt (TVR)
o Traffic citation used in the enforcement of traffic management measures. The city and municipal traffic ordinances MTPB in case of manila, local government officers.
o Jurisdiction; issuing agency, the local government.
o Validity; 5 days upon its issuance (RA7160)
Ordinance Violations receipt (OVR)
- an enforcement action which does not contemplate possible assessment of penalty by the court or otherwise as a result of warning alone.
- are usually used when you have observed a minor violation, the traffic enforcer only uses gesture of his hand and /or of the head to give the warning
Visual warning
- telling the violator that he has violated the law and explain the hazards of such actions.
Verbal warning
- combination of verbal warning and citations. It gives the spirit of verbal warning and the form of citation.
Written warning
It is the study of dealing with potentially disastrous population explosion, changes in urban environment due to the scale and density of a new urban concentration and new activities carried out, air pollution, water pollution and crowding, especially transport congestion which result therein.
- It deals with the benefits and adverse effects of traffic to our economy.
- lack of roads, bridges, traffic facilities, rail road, etc
Physical inadequacy
- ineffective mechanical control devices, inefficient traffic enforcers, poor implementation of traffic laws, rules and regulations
Poor control measure
- slow drivers or poor driving habits, pedestrian mistakes, officers’ error etc.
Human errors
- unrepaired digging, unfinished road pavement because of inappropriate budget
Poor maintenance
Part of police traffic supervision which consist of driving and walking here and there in an area or to and from on a road for the purpose of traffic law enforcement and to provide traffic connected service to the public.
Traffic Patrol
- is a moving patrol or a stationary observation on a specified road between two points usually on one city street or a section of a highway.
Line Patrol
- is a moving patrol or stationary patrol observan in an area or beat which includes a number of streets, roads or a sections on a highway.
Area Patrol
it is a traffic observation at a selected place, usually one with an unfavorable accident experience or traffic flow problem, for traffic law enforcement purposes and to detect violations of to deter possible violators.
Stationary Traffic Observation
Observer remains in full view of traffic conditions.
Conspicuous Traffic Observation
- it is a stationary in which the observer is in full view but located
Visible Traffic Observation
- it is a stationary observation in which the observer is not visible to the public.
Conceal Traffic Observation
One long blast for….
Two short snappy blasts for
Three blasts to be used for…
assistance and / or for motorist to be attentive.