Victims of Crime Flashcards
What are the 5 elements of a crisis reaction?
1) The crisis reaction
2) Physical response
3) Fight-or-flight reaction
4) Exhaustion
5) The mind’s response
The normal human response to trauma follows a similar pattern called….
Crisis Reaction”
Physical response to trauma, based on our animal instincts.
“Frozen Flight”
The ______to trauma is based on our animal instincts. It includes physical shock, _______, and numbness: frozen flight.
physical response: disorientation
What three symptoms does “Frozen Flight” include?
- physical shock 2. disorientation 3. numbness
What happens to the body during “fight-or-flight”?
- Adrenaline is released 2. excess material may be relieved 3. physical senses enhance or shut down 4. HR increases 5. Hyperventilation, sweating 6. cortisol is released
****What are the three stages of CRISIS?
- Shock, disbelief, and denial 2. Cataclysm of emotions 3. Reconstruction of equilibrium
- Shock, disbelief, and denial 2. Cataclysm of emotions 3. Reconstruction of equilibrium “means truly believing something did not happen, or that it was not as “bad” as it actually was. Is a psychological defense mechanism that kicks in to protect a person from the full impact of what has happened.” “”
the first stage of crisis reaction
shock, disbelief, and denial
stage 2 of the crisis reaction
cataclysm of emotions
these are examples of the cataclysm of emotions (stage 2)
Anger/ RAGE fear/TERROR grief/SORROW confusion/FRUSTRATION guilt/SELF-BLAME and violation/VULNERABILITY
during this stage, the emotional rollercoaster becomes balanced
stage 3, reconstruction of equilibrium
the range of the crisis reaction
shock; depression and loneliness; panic; hostility and resentment; hope; emotion; physical symptoms of distress; guilt; inability to resume normal activities; affirming reality;
the losses that accompany trauma include
control over one’s life sense of fairness or justice a sense of immortality and invulnerability trust in God or other people personally-significant property, self, loved ones future
**Because of the losses, trauma response involves _____ and _____
grief and bereavement
Trauma can be so overwhelming that it can cause a person to revert to….
childhood mentally and physically
(b) Before releasing on bail a person arrested for an offense under Section 42.072, Penal Code, or a person arrested or held without warrant in the prevention of family violence, the law enforcement agency holding the person shall make a _______ attempt to give _______notice of the ______ release to the victim of the alleged offense or to another person designated by the victim to receive the notice.
(b) Before releasing on bail a person arrested for an offense under Section 42.072, Penal Code, or a person arrested or held without warrant in the prevention of family violence, the law enforcement agency holding the person shall make a REASONABLE attempt to give PERSONAL notice of the IMMINENT release to the victim of the alleged offense or to another person designated by the victim to receive the notice.
(a) The district attorney, criminal district attorney, or county attorney who prosecutes criminal cases shall designate a person to serve as victim ____ _____ in that jurisdiction.
(a) The district attorney, criminal district attorney, or county attorney who prosecutes criminal cases shall designate a person to serve as VICTIM ASSISTANCE COORDINATOR (VAC) in that jurisdiction.
(a) Before conducting a forensic medical examination of a person who consents to such an examination for the collection of evidence for an alleged sexual assault, the physician or other medical services personnel conducting the examination shall offer the person the opportunity to have an advocate from a sexual assault program… present with the person during the examination, if the advocate is available at the time of the examination.
(b) The advocate may ____ provide the injured person with:
(1) counseling and other support services; and
(2) information regarding the _____ of crime victims under Articles 56.02 and 56.021.
(c) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the advocate and the sexual assault program providing the advocate may not delay or otherwise ____ the screening or stabilization of an emergency medical condition.
(b) The advocate may ONLY provide the injured person with:
(1) counseling and other support services; and
(2) information regarding the rights of crime victims under Articles 56.02 and 56.021
(c) Notwithstanding Subsection (a), the advocate and the sexual assault program providing the advocate may NOT delay or otherwise IMPEDE the screening or stabilization of an emergency medical condition.
Art. 56.01. DEFINITIONS.
(1) “____ _____ of a deceased victim” means a person who was the spouse of a deceased victim at the time of the victim’s death or who is a parent or adult brother, sister, or child of the deceased victim.
CLOSE RELATIVE of a deceased victim” means a person who was the spouse of a deceased victim at the time of the victim’s death or who is a parent or adult brother, sister, or child of the deceased victim.
Art. 56.01. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
(2) “____ _____ “ means a person who is the legal guardian of the victim, whether or not the legal relationship between the guardian and victim exists because of the age of the victim or the physical or mental incompetency of the victim.
GUARDIAN OF A VICTIM means a person who is the legal guardian of the victim, whether or not the legal relationship between the guardian and victim exists because of the age of the victim or the physical or mental incompetency of the victim.
Art. 56.01. DEFINITIONS.
(3) “_____” means a person who is the victim of the offense of sexual assault, kidnapping, aggravated robbery, trafficking of persons, or injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual or who has suffered personal injury or death as a result of the criminal conduct of another.
VICTIM means a person who is the victim of the offense of sexual assault, kidnapping, aggravated robbery, trafficking of persons, or injury to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual or who has suffered personal injury or death as a result of the criminal conduct of another.
(a) Before releasing a person convicted of a family violence offense, the entity holding the person ____ make a _____ attempt to give personal notice of the imminent release to the victim of the offense or to another person designated by the victim to receive the notice.
An attempt by an entity to give notice to the victim or person designated by the victim at the victim’s or person’s last known _______ or ______ as shown on the records of the entity, constitutes a reasonable attempt to give notice under this subsection.
(a) Before releasing a person convicted of a family violence offense, the entity holding the person SHALL make a REASONABLE attempt to give personal notice of the imminent release to the victim of the offense or to another person designated by the victim to receive the notice. An attempt by an entity to give notice to the victim or person designated by the victim at the victim’s or person’s last known TELEPHONE NUMBER or ADDRESS, as shown on the records of the entity, constitutes a reasonable attempt to give notice under this subsection.
List the rights of crime victims afforded by
Article 1, Section 30 of the Texas Constitution.
(a) A crime victim has the following rights:
(1) the right to be treated with fairness and with respect for the victim’s dignity and privacy throughout the criminal justice process; and (2) the right to be reasonably protected from the accused throughout the criminal justice process.
(b) On the request of a crime victim, the crime victim has the following rights:
(1) the right to notification of court proceedings;
(2) the right to be present at all public court proceedings related to the offense, unless the victim is to testify and the court determines that the victim’s testimony would be materially affected if the victim hears other testimony at the trial;
(3) the right to confer with a representative of the prosecutor’s office;
(4) the right to restitution; and
(5) the right to information about the conviction, sentence, imprisonment, and release of the accused.
Art. 56.09. VICTIM’S RIGHT TO PRIVACY. As far as reasonably practical, the _____ of the victim may ___ be a part of the court file except as necessary to identify the place of the crime. The ____ ____ of the victim may ____ be a part of the court file.
Art. 56.09. VICTIM’S RIGHT TO PRIVACY. As far as reasonably practical, the ADDRESS of the victim may NOT be a part of the court file except as necessary to identify the place of the crime. The PHONE NUMBER of the victim may NOT be a part of the court file.
Art. 57.01. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
(2) “_____” means a set of initials or a fictitious name chosen by a victim to designate the victim in all public files and records concerning the offense, including police summary reports, press releases, and records of judicial proceedings.
“PSEUDONYM” means a set of initials or a fictitious name chosen by a victim to designate the victim in all public files and records concerning the offense, including police summary reports, press releases, and records of judicial proceedings.
(a) The Sexual Assault Prevention and Crisis Services Program of the office of the attorney general shall develop and distribute to all law enforcement agencies of the state a _____ form to record the name, address, telephone number, and ____ of a victim.
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Crisis Services Program of the office of the attorney general shall develop and distribute to all law enforcement agencies of the state a PSEUDONYM form to record the name, address, telephone number, and PSEUDONYM of a victim.
(b) A victim may choose a pseudonym to be used instead of the victim’s name to designate the victim in all public files and records concerning the offense, including police summary reports, press releases, and records of judicial proceedings.
A victim who elects to use a pseudonym as provided by this article must complete a ____ ____ developed under this article and return the form to the law enforcement agency investigating the offense.
(b) A victim may choose a pseudonym to be used instead of the victim’s name to designate the victim in all public files and records concerning the offense, including police summary reports, press releases, and records of judicial proceedings.
A victim who elects to use a pseudonym as provided by this article must complete a PSEUDONYM FORM developed under this article and return the form to the law enforcement agency investigating the offense.
(a) A victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim is entitled to the following rights within the criminal justice system:
(8) the right to be provided with a waiting area, separate or secure from other witnesses, including the offender and relatives of the offender, before testifying in any proceeding concerning the offender; if a ____ _____ area is not available, other safeguards should be taken to minimize the victim’s contact with the offender and the offender’s relatives and witnesses, before and during court proceedings;
(a) A victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim is entitled to the following rights within the criminal justice system:
(8) the right to be provided with a waiting area, separate or secure from other witnesses, including the offender and relatives of the offender, before testifying in any proceeding concerning the offender; if a SEPARATE WAITING area is not available, other safeguards should be taken to minimize the victim’s contact with the offender and the offender’s relatives and witnesses, before and during court proceedings;
What are the phases of a victims reaction to crime?
- Impact
- Recoil
- Reorganization
- Impact
- Recoil
- Reorganization
are all phases of what?
Phases of a victim’s reaction to crime
The _____ _______ progresses as follows:
- Immediate Victim
- Secondary Victims: Family and Friends
- Service Providers, EMS, police
The “Ripple Effect”
What is the “ripple effect”?
- Immediate Victim
- Secondary Victim
- Service Providers
What are the elements for crisis intervention?
- Discuss Feelings
- Need for stress management
- Victim Safety
- Listening/ventilation
- Direction
- Avoid Second Guessing
- Help them deal with guilt
- Anger
- Rescue fantasy
are all what?
Ways on how to help victims
What are three keys to Interviewing?
- Sensitive to feelings of victims
- Be aware of personal biases
- Professionalism
What is one thing we should do when discussing crisis intervention?
What is one thing we should NOT do when discussing crisis intervention?
Stereotype Victims
- The criminal justice system
- the media
- family and friends
- clergy
- hospital and ER personnel
- health and mental health professionals
- social service workers
- victim service workers
- schools or educators
are all sources of ?
“Secondary Victimization”
Recovery from ______ _______ is often affected by;
Severity of crissis reaction;
Ability to understand in retroespect what happened;
Stability of victim/survivor equilibrium after event;
Supportive nvironment;
Validation of experience.
Immediate trauma.
What three things are listed in intensity continuum?
Crime Specific;
Cultural Drifferences.
Recovery issues for survivors include?
Getting control of event in victim/survivor’s mind,
Working out an understanding of event and, as needed, a redefinition of values,
Re-establishing a new equilibrium/life,
Re-establishing trust,
Re-establishing a future,
Re-establishing meaning,
Not all victim/survivors suffer from ____ ____ stress reactions.
Long-term crisis reactions
are normally in response to __________ __________ that remind the victim of the trauma.
“trigger events”
What are some examples of triggering events?
Identification of the assailant,
Anniversaries of the event,
or significant “life events,
Hearings, trials, appeals.
People who suffer traumatic events often suffer what?
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
What events would cause PTSD?
Survivors of combat, natural disaters as well a man-made, rape, floods, abductions, and airplane crashes, being hostage during a kidnapping.
What is the criteria for PTSD?
The person has experience or witnessed an event that involved actual or threatened death or serious physical injury to a person, the person felt intense fear, horror, or helplessness.
In the criteria for PTSD the patient has _______ or _______ or was confronted with an unusually traumatic event that has both of these elements.
Experienced or witnessed.
What are the phases of a victim’s reaction to crime?
Impact, recoil, and reorganization.
The “ripple effect” progresses as follows
Immediate victim
Secondary victims: Family and Friends,
Service providers, EMS, police.
What are the elements of crisis intervention?
Discuss the feelings,need for stress management.
Intensity continuum includes the following:
Cultural differences.
PTSD affects everything you do in your everyday life.
PTSD affects everything you do.