CCP - Definitions (Who Are PO's) Flashcards
(1) ________ , their deputies (plural), and those reserve deputies who hold a permanent peace officer license issued under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code;
Hint: this is the only definition in CCP Art. 2.12 that has plural for deputies.
(2) __________, deputy (singular) __________, and those reserve deputy constables who hold a permanent peace officer license issued under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code;
Hint: if you see “deputy” as a singular and it’s Chapter 1701, think of two words: deputy + C….
(3) __________ or police officers of an incorporated city, town, or village, and those reserve municipal police officers who hold a permanent peace officer license issued under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code;
(4) ________ , officers, and members of the reserve officer corps commissioned by the Public Safety Commission and the Director of the Department of Public Safety;
Hint: DPS is a state (level) agency. Think of Stephen F. Austin as the Director of TX ….
(5) ___________ of the district attorneys’, criminal district attorneys’, and county attorneys’ offices;
Hint/Mnemonic: part of the answer includes “gators”. Imagine alligators / gators invading a flooded district and hunting for attorneys
(6) law enforcement agents of the Texas ___________ Commission;
Hint: the answer starts with A. You can also think of rowdy agents getting drunk.
Alcoholic Beverage Commission
(7) each member of an ________ investigating unit commissioned by a city, a county, or the state;
Hint: the definition has an indefinite article. You can also think: “Investigators were indefinite how the fire started”
(8) officers commissioned under Section 37.081, _________ , or Subchapter E, Chapter 51, E______ Code;
Hint: Subchapter E - (5)E….(1) Code (officers)
Note: (19) county park rangers are also commissioned under Subchapter E, Chapter 351, but the (3)Local (5)Government (1)Code;
Education Code
(9) officers commissioned by the ________ Services Commission;
Hint: think of a general contractor offering services
(10) law enforcement ______ commissioned by the Parks and Wildlife________
Hint: the last word starts with “O” (law enforcement o…..). They are Commissioned by a C….
(11) ___________ commissioned by a city with apopulation of more than 1.18 million located primarily in a county with a population of 2 million or more that operates an airport that serves commercial air carriers;
Hint: the only definition with specific numbers (i.e. population of 1.18 and 2 milion). Each emphasized letter stands for the first letter in the three words of the definition.
airport police officers
(12) ______________ commissioned as peace officers by the governing body of any political subdivision of this state, other than a city described by Subdivision (11), that operates an airport that serves commercial air carriers;
_a_irport _s_ecurity _p_ersonnel
(13) _____________ park and recreational patrolmen and security officers;
(14) security officers and investigators commissioned as peace officers by the _________;
(15) officers commissioned by a water control and improvement district under Section 49.216, __________.
Water Code