VHF Flashcards
What is the causative agent of Bolivian Haemorrhagic fever?
Machupo virus
-it is one of the VHF found in South America
-The Vector: mouse.
Arthropod borne VHF?
Mosquito borne :
1- Dengue
2- Yellow fever
3- Rift Valley Fever
Tick borne :
2- Colorado Tick virus
Non- arthropod VHF?
- Bat viruses :
Marburg - Rodents:
South American VHF
What are the Bunyaviridae?
CCHF virus
Hanta viruses
Sandlfy viruses
Rift Valley Fever
Which disease can transmit by Anopheles mosquito?
1- Malaria
2- filariasis - Wuchereria & Brugia
3- O’nyong’nyong
Which disease can transmit by black fly (Simulum ) ?
1- Onchocerciasis
2- filariasis- Mansonella ozzardi
Which disease can transmit by Aedes mosquito?
1-Yellow fever
2- dengue fever
3- chikungunya
4- West Nile virus
Which disease can transmit by Culex mosquito?
1- Avian malaria
2- Wuchereria bancrofti
3- variety of arboviruses
-West Nile virus
-Western equine encephalitis
-Japanese encephalitis
-St. Louis encephalitis
Which disease can transmit by Deer fly (Chrysops) ?
1- Loiasis (loa loa)
2- Tularaemia
What are the main symptoms of Lassa ?
fever - arthralgia - myalgia
sore throat - usually self-limiting
in severe cases:
oedema and haemorrhage
lassa is endemic in which country?
and what is the only animal reservoir ?
Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Liberia
Mastomys rat
transmission of CCHF ?
How it present?
1- Tick bite
2-animal blood or tissues
IP : Max of 13 days
-Fever, myalgia , dizziness, severe headache, sore eyes and photophobia
- N,V,D and abdominal pain - Sharp mood swings , confusion and agitation progress to sleepiness
- ecchymosis and mucosal bleeding
- AKI , hepatitis , resp failure and death.
Central asia (pakistan , Turkey ) central Europe and africa
outbreaks ?ass with ostrich as reservoir
Old World/New World Arenaviruses?
Old World:
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM)
new world:
Chapare virus - Bolivia
Machepo - Bolivia
Sabia hemorrhagic fever -Brazil
Junín virus - Argentine
Guanarito virus-Venezuelan
symptoms and transmission of Ebola?
fruit bat and contact with body fluids
- Fever, myalgia , severe headache,Sore throat.
- Severe GI symptoms :
abdominal pain, watery diarrhea and vomiting
- bleeding or bruising
What are the two syndromes associated with hantavirus ??
1) haemorrhagic pulmonary syndrome (found in Americas)
2) haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (Asia and Europe – in Scandinavia milder form ‘nephropathia epidermica’)
What are the parvoviridae , and what is the genome type ?
parvovirus B19 , Bocavirus and adeno - associated viruses.
single stranded DNA