Vety2 Flashcards
O tejto veci sa budeme musiet poradiť s predsedom.
We will have to discuss this matter with the chairperson.
Telefónna budka je na rohu námestia .
The phone box is at the corner of the street.
Vzniesli námietku podla článku 3 ústavy.
They raised an objection according to the Article 3 of the Constitution.
Ked sa pozeráme na predmet vyrobený zo skla, nenapadne nas, ze sklo je vyrobené z piesku.
Looking at an object made of glass we do not realize the fact that glass is made from sand.
Dnes nemam službu.
I am off duty today./ I have a day off.
Kuchyňu sme prerobili na obývačku .
We have turned the kitchen into the living room.
Chytila ma za ruku.
She grabbed me by the hand.
Bývam na hlavnom námestí.
I live in the main square.
Dievca sa triaslo od strachu.
The girl was trembling with fear.
Splniť do písmena
Fullfill to the letter
Na lekárov prikaz
On the orders of the doctor
Vedľa balvana
Next to a boulder
Izbu mame asi štyri krat päť.
Out room is about four by five.