Vety Flashcards
Je veľmi ťažké správne používať členy.
It is very difficult to ide articles correctly.
Keďže počasie bolo slnečné, nemali sme dôvod, aby sme výlet odložili.
The weather being sumy we had no reason to postpone out trip.
Je najvyšší čas, aby si sa začal učiť.
It is high time to start learning.
Videli ma, ako som otvoril dvere, takže som nemohol predstierať, ze nie som doma.
I was seen to open the door so I could not pretend not to be at home.
Keď skončila prácu, rozhodla sa, že pôjde na prechádzku.
Having knocked off she decided to take a stroll.
Nemá zmysel chodit okolo horúcej kase.
It´s no use beating about the bush.
Ked uvarila caj, prestrela stôl, aby mohla podať olovrant.
Having made tea, she laid the table in order to serve it.
Pes, ktory brese nehryzie.
Barking dogs seldom bite.
Kedze rozhodnutie uz bolo prijaté, kazdy si musel splniť pridelenú úlohu.
The decision having been adopted , everyone had to fullfill the tasks assigned.
To je ta košeľa, co treba vyhladiť.
That is the shirt that needs ironing.
Mate dačo proti tomu ked budem pozerat tv?
Do you object to my watching TV?
Povedal, ze uz spísal testament a vydedil ma.
He said he has already drawn up His will and cut me out.
Vyšetrovateľ si zapisoval vsetko, co mu hovorila.
The investigating officer was taking down everything she told him.
Iba jeden člen poroty nesúhlasil, ale aj toho si kúpili.
Only one member of the jury was against but he was bought off.
V treťom kole uz nedokázal držať krok s protivníkom a aj outsideri ho dobehli.
In the third round he was no more able to keep up with his opponent and even the outsiders caught up with him.