veterinary Medicine. Flashcards
canine hyperthyroidism MC cause in canine
thyroid carcinoma
msot common congestive heart failure in dog
mitral valve regurgitation other causes includes dilated cardiomyopathy, heartworm
estrus induced aplastic anemia in ferret
pale skin swollen vulva in an unsprayed ferret
change in blood sample of horse associated with epinephrine
increased hematocrit dur to splenic contraction
fungal pneumonia in southwest USA
Coccidioides immmitis
organism cause fetal death, early abortion, immunotolerance, and persistent infection in bovine if it infects fetus before 125 days
Bovine viral diarrhea differential of this is trichomoniasis which cause early abortion before 125 days
pododermatitis in pig causes
bumble foot in Pigs because of obesity and wire cage floor
Fatal necrotic enteritis in piglets less than three days
clostridiuym perferingins type C affected piglet often have sudden diarrhea with sudden death
common ear mites in rabbit
Psoroptes caniculi ,serum and brown crusts in ear cheylitella also called walking dandruf also common in rabbit.
verminous colitis
stronggylus vulgaris , Dilatation, swelling and thrombotic debris in the aorta and cranial mesenteric aorta in the horse.
severe gastroenteritis with neutropenia in young kittens
feline panleukopenia with three D depression , dehydration and diarrhea a cerebellar form od this disease with intention and head tremor is seen in 10 to 14 days old kitten.
parasite cause catarrhal gastritis in horse
Habronema and Draschia megastoma
which worms causes equine instussesption
Anoplocephala perfoliata, other factors are enteritis , dietry changes, surgical trauma, other parasite
reportable viral diseases of cow
foot and mouth disease vesicular stomatitis
ear mites in dog and cat
otodectes cyanotes
raw fish in cat feed, disadvatnages?
it contain highb thiamine antagnosit which cause thiamine defeciciency which leads to cervical ventroflexion in cat.
best diet with idiopathic hepatic lipidosis
high calorie protein and high calorie diet
walking dandruff in rabbit
cheyletiella treatment : permethrin in dust for animal bedding
rabbit syphilis
treponema : dry crusty exudates around nostril , eyes and vulva.
piglet icteric and respiratory distress necropsy: white spots and scaring are visible on liver.diagnosis and treatment?
this is ascarid infection Treatment: Anthelmatics these scars are migratory parasite travel to the lungs. in heavy infestation, larva can cause pulmonary edema , consolidation, severe respiratory distress
diseases with condemnation of entire carcasses of cow for human
Bovine leukosis bovine tuberculosis downer cow
outbreak of disease in lambs with fever and lamness and swelling of joints. some lambs also have conjuctivtis. DX?
chlamydia psitaci
aglactia, polyarthritis and mastitis in goat DX?
Mycoplasma infection
equine degenrative myeloencephalopathy clincal signs?
symmatrical ataxia in all four limbs in younger horse 1-6 years old
cervical stenotic myelopathy
symmetrical tetrapresis and ataxia in 1 -3 years olf horses
occipitaloatlantoaxial malformation
Arabian foal often ataxic from birth
new tank syndrome for amphibian
buildup of ammonia because of lack of bacteria in tank. it takes 6 weeks for tank to have effeciciant bacterial flora to do metabolism of ammonia into nitrate and nitrie
old tank syndrome
build up of ammonia due mismanagement of tank
heartwater disease clinical signs
peracute: anima fall dead acute: fever, depression,Respiratory distress slowly develops along with nervous signs such as a hyperaesthesia, a high-stepping stiff gait, exaggerated blinking, and chewing movements
heartwater DX? and RX?
diagnosis is by necropsy and stained brain tissue treatment : oxytetracycline
heartwater vector
amblyoma tick
diseases caused by Dermacenter tick
Bebasia caballi in horse anaplasma marginale in cattle rocky mountain spotted fever by ricketsia ricketsi Q fever, taluremia
disease caused by face flies
eye worm mycoplasma bovis, one agent of IBR in bovine;
disease with elevated level of crotisol
cushing disease
vitamin C deficiency in guinea pig clinicial signs? TX?
anorexia, swollen joints, diarrhea and weakness Like people, guinea pigs lack the physical ability to manufacture their own vitamin C, and require an outside source of vitamin C in the form of vegetables and fruits TREATMETNT: 5 to 10 mg P/O or IM for two weeks
Vitamin E and selenium defeciency in guinea pig
Two other, similar syndromes in guinea pigs affect either the skeletal muscles (muscular dystrophy) or the myocardium and skeletal muscles (muscular degeneration and mineralization). These two conditions are associated with a vitamin E/selenium deficiency
Metastatic calcification in guinea pig
Metastatic calcification occurs most often in guinea pigs >1 year old. Clinically, animals present with muscle stiffness and failure to thrive. Mineralization may be confined to soft tissues around elbows and ribs. Mineral deposition may also be more widespread, involving lungs, heart, aorta, liver, kidneys, uterus, and sclera. Dietary factors such as a low-magnesium and high-phosphorus diet, and high calcium and/or high vitamin D intake have been implicated metastatic calcification most commonly in MALES
increase in serum antibody in consecutive serum tests.
how to distinguish between stress induced hyperglycemia and diabetes induced in cats?
Measurement of fructosamine in cats can be helpful to distinguish stress-induced hyperglycemia from diabetes
treatment and diet in dogs and cat with diabetes mellitis
In dogs, treatment involves the use of insulin twice daily along with a change in diet (high in complex carbohydrates and fiber, low in fat) to help manage obesity and insulin resistance. In cats, initial treatment involves switching to a low-carbohydrate diet in conjunction with twice daily injections of a basal insulin
survival time of dog and cat with diabetes mellitis type 1
3 month
bacteria meningitis in calves clinicial sign, DX, DDX
The usual signs of meningitis are fever, hyperesthesia, neck rigidity, and painful paraspinal muscle spasms. lumboscaral CSF tap for diagnosis DDX nervous coccidiosis : which is in weaned calves of 3 to 5 month ages , no visual and comatose calf with neosporosis will be born with same symptoms as meningitis. but meningitis develop after sometime.
best fluid for replacement loss in patient
lactate ringer: balances electrolyte crystalloid solution the osmolality and concentration of sodium and chlorise are similar to is used for metabolic acidosis and alkalnizing effect. 0.9%normal saline is also good but it has only sodium and chloride and it is more acidifying, used in metabolic alkalosis induced by vomiting
what percentage of cow with bovine leukosis titer develop lymphosarcoma?
less tha 5 percent develop lymphosarcoma in luymphnodes
brachyspira hyodsenterie, swine dysentry
mucoid hemorrhagic diarrhea in pigs 6 to 20 weeks old
lawsona intracellularis in pigs
porcine proliferative enteritis growing finishing pigs and younger breeding pigs thickening of mucose of jejunum
clostridium type c diarrhea in piglet
hemorrhagic necrotizing diarrhea in 3 weeks old
shiga toxin producing Ecoli
watery diarrhea and vomiting in weaning piglets
Kidney Worm in swine
Infection of swine with the nematode worm Stephanurus dentatus.