Vet Pharmacy Flashcards
What is a VMP?
Any substance or combination of substances presented as having properties for treating or preventing disease in animals or those with a view to either be resorting, correcting or modifying physiological function by entering a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action, or to making a medical diagnosis
Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966
Defines who can diagnose and treat animals and defines veterinary terms
-set standards for vet education and regulates professional conduct
Regulatory bodies of Vet
Royal body of veterinary surgeons and animals medicines training regulatory authority
- statutory regulator for UK vet profession
- maintains a register of vet surgeons edible to practice in uk
- Independent regulatory body; the professional regulator for suitably qualified persons
- under vet med regulations-body appointed by secretary of state to keep register of SQP
- to ensure prescription and supply of vet/pharmacist/suitability qualified person animal medicines in uk is undertaken in a responsible manner
-professionally qualified animal med advisors who are entitled to prescribe or supply certain vet med in UK
Vet med legislation evolution
Vet Med Regulation 2013: set out ?UK? controls on vet meds, including manufacture, advertising, marketing, supply and administration
Veterinary Medicines Directorate
-promotes and protects animal health, public health and the environment, by assuring safety, quality and efficacy of vet meds.
Vet Products Committee
- provides scientific advice on any aspect of vet medicinal products and specific feed additives
- provides advice on specific issues relating to marketing authorisations
- considers reports of suspected adverse reactions to vet meds
What are the categories of vet meds
-POM-V (Prescription only medicines-vet)
-POM-VPS (Prescription only medicines-vet, pharmacist, SQP)
-NFS-VPS (Non-food producing animal-vet, pharmacist, SQP)
-AVM-GSL (Authorised veterinary medicine-general sales list)
-SAES (Small animal exemption scheme)
Unauthorised Veterinary medicine
1) POM V
- POMs that can only be prescribed by vet surgeons
- Can be supplied by a vet surgeon or a pharmacist with a written prescription
- For CDs, must carry a declaration by vet stating that the med is prescribed for an animal or herd under his or her care
- POM prescribed and supplied by vet, pharmacist or SQP
- Prescriber can give oral or written prescription before supplying product
- written prescription is only required if supplier is not prescriber
- medicines for non food animals that can be supplied by vet, pharm or SQP
- written prescription is not required
- good practice requirement to keep records or meds received or supplied
May be supplied by any retailer without any restrictions or precision or advice
-pet shops, supermarkets or online
Sale of NFA-VPS and POM-VPS
Legal requirement for pharmacists supplying NFA-VPS meds or prescribing POMS VPS meds to:
- advise on the safe use of the product
- advise on any warnings or contra-indications
- be satisfied that the person using it is competent to use it and intends to use it for an authorised use
- not supply more than the minimum amount needed for treatment
Physical presence of a pharmacist
-Relating to POM-V, POM-VPS and NFA-VPS
Pharmacist must be present when handing out medicines
-Unless the transaction has been individually authorised in advanced by a pharmacist and the person handing out the medicine is judged to be competent
-Supply of the product must be from a registered pharmacy premises or premises which are registered under the latest Veterinary Medicines Regulations
What happens when there isn’t a suitable licensed vet med on market?
- unlawful to supply a human med against a vet rx unless
- prescribed using vet cascade by a vet surgeon
- specifically states that it is ‘for admin under cascade or similar’
Vet Cascade
1) supply a licensed vet med
2) supply an existing vet med that is not specifically for species or indication \
3) licensed human med to ne considered
4) extemporaneous or special to be considered §
What does POM-V, POM-VPS and medicines supplied under the veterinary cascade, a valid prescription need
- name, address, telephone number, qualification and signature of prescriber
- for Schedule 2 or 3 drugs, must include vets RCVS reg number, a declaration that “item has been prescribed for an animal or her under their care” and usual CD prescription requirements apply
- name and address of owner
- identification and species of animal and it’s address if its diff to owners
- RX valid for 6 months (28 days for CD 2, 3 , 4)
- name, quantity, dose and admin instruction (must be specific) of the required med
- any necessary warnings and if relevant the withdrawal period
- where appropriate, a statement highlighting that med is prescribed under vet cascade
Vet RX for CD
- no standardised forms (doesn’t have to be FP10PCD)
- retain vet prescription for 5 year
- no requirement to submit CD rx to relevant NHS agency
- for all CD, good practice to prescribe only for 28 days worth of treatment unless situations of long term
Dispensing Labelling
- If med is not prescribed under cascade no dispensing label is needed. However, good practice to dispense with dispensing label
- when supplied by a pharmacy for use under cascade, labelling requirements apply, unless they already appear on the packaging and are not obscured by dispensing label
Dispensing label requirements
- Name of prescriber
- Name and address of animal owner
- Name and address of the pharmacy
- Identification of species
- date of supply
- expiry date
- name of product
- product quantity
- dosage and admin instruction
- appropriate, special storage instructions
- necessary warnings
- where applicable withdrawn period
- “for animal treatment only”
- “keep out of reach of children”
Record Keeping
Record must be kept for POM v and POM VPS
- name of med
- date of receipt or supply
- batch number
- quantity
- name of address of supplier
- name and address of prescriber
- keep copy of rx
- entry must be made same day or next day
- keep 5 years
- pharmacist must undertake annual audit
Record keeping under the cascade
Make record as for private RX
- Date
- Date on Script
- Name and address of prescriber
- Name of drug
- Quantity
Good Practice
-Batch number
- Reference number
- Directions
- Species and identify of animal.