Vestibular system Flashcards
What are the three main inputs of the vestibular system?
Vestibular information
What are the two main outputs of the vestibular system?
Ocular reflex
Postural control
Where is the vestibular organ located?
Within the posterior area of the inner ear
which cells are located within the vestibular organ?
Hair cells
What two structures are joined by a conduit in the vestibule?
The utricle and saccule
What is the utricle?
The utricle detects linear accelerations and head-tilts in the horizontal plane.
What are the three semi-circular canals?
Which structure connects the semi-circular canals with the utricle?
Which bone is the vestibular organs located in?
Petrous part of the temporal pone.
What term refers to the biggest cilium on vestibule hair cells?
What is the function of stereocilia on vestibular hair cells?
Cilia allows the cells to depolarise the cell with movement of the endolymph generated by head movement. Cilia are orientated to a particular side, deflection will induce cellular depolarisation in response to endolymph movement
What are otoliths?
The otoliths (statoconia) are small calcium carbonate crystals which put pressure on the cilia, inclining them, thereby stimulating the sensory hair cells.
Where are the utricle and saccule cells located?
In the maculae
How are utricle cells organised?
Which otolith organ cells are organised vertically?
What is the maculae?
Contains the hair cells, a gelatinous matrix and the otoliths.
Where are the hair cells located within the semi-circular canals?
In the ampulla, the rest of the canal contains endolymph
What fluid comprises the semi-circular canals?
Endolymph (High in potassium ions)
Which structure within the ampulla contains hair cells?
The crista
Which structure surrounds the crista ampularis?
The cupula
What function is performed by the cupula?
Helps hair cell movement, facilitated by endolymph movement