Vestibular Hypofunction Flashcards
What are the two types of vestibular hypofunction?
UVH-unilateral vestibular hypofunction
BVH-bilateral vestibular hypofunction
What are the three tests that test vestibular hypofunction?
Head Thrust Test (HTT)
Head Shaking-Induced Nystagmus Test (HSN)
Dynamic Visual Acuity Test (DVA)
What does the Head Thrust Test (HTT) Examine?
for UVH and BVH
How do you perform the Head Thrust Test(HTT)?
patient’s head flexed 30 degrees to bias H-SCC’s and focuses eyes on clinician’s chin; then perform passive unpredictable small amplitude rapid head thrusts away from midline
What is a positive Head Thrust Test(HTT)?
positive test is corrective saccades; direction of HTT that produces corrective saccade is side of dysfunction due to vestibular hypofunction; for example, if corrective saccade is produced during left HTT, result is documented as a positive (L) HTT suggesting left UVH
What does the Head Shaking-Induced Nystagmus Test (HSN) examine?
for UVH and BVH
How is the Head Shaking-Induced Nystagmus Test (HSN) performed?
patient’s head flexed 30 degrees to bias H-SCC’s and focuses eyes on clinician’s chin then closes eyes; then passively rotate patient’s head back and forth at speed of approximately 2 cycles per second for 10 seconds; patient asked to open eyes prior to last 2-3 passive rotations and instructed to focus on clinician’s chin
What is a positive Head Shaking-Induced Nystagmus Test?
positive test is >3 beats of nystagmus; slow phase is side of hypofunction but condition is named by fast phase due to velocity storage mechanism and asymmetrical firing rate of vestibular nuclei; for example, if fast phase is to patient’s right, it’s documented as a right-beating nystagmus suggesting left UVH
What does the Dynamic Visual Acuity Test(DVA) examine?
for UVH and BVH
How is the Dynamic Visual Acuity Test(DVA) performed?
patient seated at appropriate distance from ETDRS chart and instructed to read lowest line possible (static visual acuity), clinician then passively rotates patient’s head from side to side at frequency of approximately 2 cycles per second and asks patient to read lowest line possible (dynamic visual acuity)
What is a positive Dynamic Visual Acuity Test(DVA)?
positive test is loss, or drop, of more than 2 lines; for example, if patient’s statically reads lines 6, but dynamically cannot read line 6, line 5, or line 4; but can read line 3, the test is positive; alternatively; if patient were able to read line 4 during the same example, the test would be negative
While performing the HSN patient demonstrates slow phase nystagmus to the left how is this documented?
Right-beating nystagmus
suggesting left UVH
Reasoning: slow phase is side of hypofunction but condition is named by the fast phase
Patient produces corrective saccades during left HTT how is this documented?
result is documented as a positive (L) HTT suggesting left UVH
UVH or BVH is suspected in patient, therefore you perform the HSN. While performing the HSN patient demonstrated fast phase nystagmus to the right. How would you document this?
Results would be documented as RIght-Beating Nystagmus
this would suggest left UVH
You perform the HTT on your patient. You observe corrective saccades to their right. How would you document this?
result is documented as a positive (R) HTT suggesting right UVH
If patient has UVH or BVH what exercises would you suggest?
adaptive exercises x1 and x2
What is the sequence for Adaptive exercise X1 simple version
sit upright in arm chair
hold letter E @ eye level with plain white background
keep eyes focused on letter E
rotate head smoothly from side to side for 15 seconds
letter E should be relatively focused during exercise
symptoms should increase 1-2 points during exercise
symptoms should return to baseline within 1-5 minutes
perform once daily as able
How can you alter Adaptive exercise X1 to make it more difficult?
change the plain white background to a busy background
increase time
increase distance of E
Increase frequency
What is the sequence for Adaptive exercise X2 simple version
sit upright in arm chair
hold letter E @ eye level with plain white background
keep eyes focused on letter E
rotate head smoothly from side to side for 15 seconds while moving letter E in opposite direction
letter E should be relatively focused during exercise
symptoms should increase 1-2 points during exercise
symptoms should return to baseline within 1-5 minutes
perform once daily as able
How can you alter Adaptive exercise X2 to make it more difficult?
change the plain white background to a busy background
increase time
increase distance of E
Increase frequency