vesicle release and synaptic transmission Flashcards
History and concepts of NS
- Gerlach (1871)- neurons as protoplasmic networks
- Sherrington (1897)- the term synapse (from greek- to hold/clasp)
- Golgi (1906)- the reticular theory - diffuse nervous network- axon & dendrites; Golgi staining- visualisation of neurons, division of cortex into 3 layers
- Cajal (1906)- the neuron doctrine- definitely defined the neuron theory; vis. of neurons in cerebellum–< different cells have different morphology
Golgi staining
blocks of nervous tissue hardened in potassium bichromate–> immersion in silver nitrate solution
What are the functional regions of a neuron?
Input–> dendrite–>integration in soma–> conductance through axon-> output along axon terminal
- different neurons have slight different morphology depending on their function
first NT to be discovered
- Acetylcholine (Ach) discovered by Löwi (1921).
- responsible for communication at the NMJ (Dale 1930)
Active zone of the presynaptic terminal
- the AZ is the release site of NT, it is an e- dense material at the presyn. terminal; highly specialised structures with specific proteins associated w. the AZ.
- NT receptors on the postsynaptic terminal are located right across from AZ–> close proximity between pre and postsynaptic NT sites
the NMJ
- chemical, excitatory synapse between motor neuron and muscle fibres
- only 1 axon per group of muscle fibres (–> axon+group of muscle fibres = motor unit)
the discovery of Katz and Fatt
- provided the first insight into the manner of NT release
- NT is release in quanta
- each quantum of NT produces a postsyn. potential of a fixed size (quantal postsyn. pot)
- total postsyn. pot. is the sum of all quantal potentials.
- recorded from the frog’s NMJ and observed spontaneous EPSP of 0.5 mV –> miniature endplate pot. (minis)
miniature endplate potentials;
- like the endplate potentials, the signal decreases with distance.
- represent the responses to small quanta of NT that are spontaneously released
- 1 mini is the response to synchronous release 5000 Ach molecules
How many Ach receptors are activate in order to generate a mini of a live 0.5 mV?
1 Ach receptor produces current of ca. 0.3 microV–> mini involves opening of ca. 2000 receptors
Quantal release hypothesis
- spontaneous release occurs rarely and the release of NT has a fixed size.
- small postsyn. signal (mini EPSP/IPSP)
- spontaneous, infrequent, but accelerated and synchronised by AP invading the terminal
- now or integral no. of the amount of NT- 0.5, 10, 15 mV
- 1 event=5000 NT molecules
what cell organelles account to NT quanta?
synaptic vesicles
characteristics of SV
- each vesicle stores 1 quantum of NT and releases its entire content into the synaptic cleft (all or non manner)
- SV release NT at AZ
- the AZ contains a cloud of SVs
- SV diameter: 40-50 nm
- some SV are docked to membrane at AZ and are the first to be released. the rest are located closely.
what ion generates the EPSP and leads to NT release?
Ca2+ - discovered by Katz & Miledi (1967), recorded from the giant ganglion of the squid
What experiment could be done to test which ion is responsible for NT release? (how presynaptic AP triggers NT release)
a) Na+ channels were blocked with TTX–> depol. of the presynaptic terminal with direct current can trigger NT release even after Na+ channels are blocked –> Na+ not responsible for NT release
b) K+ channels were blocked w. TEA (at the same time Na+ were also blocked) –> injection of depol. current to the presynaptic terminal–> EPSP were normal sized (normal NT release–> neither Na+ nor K+ trigger NT release
c) Ca2+ influx triggers NT release; even when Na+ & K+ channels were blocked–> postsyn. depol. varies w. the amount of presyn. inward current (more Ca2+ more EPSP)
process of Ca2+ dependent SV release
- Microdomains w. high [Ca2+] form in cytosol near open Ca2+ channel –> trigger SV release.
- concentration of Ca2+ outside is 1.8 microM
- -> AP in AZ opens a fraction of Ca2+ channels–> Microdomains (high Ca2+) organise around open channel
- -> Ca2+ influx –> SVs that are docked to membrane at AZ can fuse
- -> NT release (SV sense changes in [Ca2+] and are activated due to their close proximity to Ca2+ channel)
- -> Facilitation: release of a 2nd set of SV (further from channel) due to increase of residual intercell. Ca2+ from 0.1 to 0.11 nanoM
what SVs have the highest release probability?
Sv at 50 nm are close to Ca2+ channel and have the highest release prob. due to the close proximity to the channel.
release probability of SVs is dependent on:
a. intercellular Ca2+ concentration
b. Na+ concentration
c. extracellular Ca2+ concentration
d. distance of SV from Ca2+ channel
e. presence of Ca2+ chelators (EGTA/BAPTA)
f. all of the above
a, d, e
Ca2+ chelators
2 Ca2+ chelators that inhibit release probability:
- EGTA- slow chelator (takes time to bind to Ca2+), only competed w. SVs that are far away from channel, loosely coupled to Ca2+ channel (due to the distance)
- BAPTA- fast chelator, binds to tightly coupled SVs, located close to Ca2+ channel, closer SVs are affected by BAPTA
The hallmarks of NT release process
speed, efficiency and flexibility
the SV cycle
- NT uptake- SV filled w. NT by active transport
- formation of reserve pool - Filled SV form a cluster
- docking- SV dock to membrane at AZ
- priming - ATP dependent priming reaction
- fusion- Ca2+ triggered fusion –> SV discharging content
- endocytosis- e.g. clathrin mediated..
- alternative to (6)- direct recycling or via endosome
mechanisms of SV retrieval after NT discharge
- reversible fusion pore- The SV doesn’t fuse with the membrane completely, instead NT is released through fusion pore–>kiss and stay/kiss and run; the fastest way reusing SV; predominant at low to normal release rates.
- Clathrin mediated endocytosis- cltathrin coated pits after NT release; predominant at normal to high release rates.
- bulk retrieval- only for high release rates
Kiss and run
a reversible fusion pore mechanism. after NT discharge through fusion pore–> closure of fusion pore–> SV goes back to reserve pool
Kiss and stay
a reversible fusion pore mechanism. after NT discharge through fusion pore–> closure of fusion pore–>SV stays on membrane
Clathrin coat endocytosis
Excess membrane is retrieved through endocytosis by Clathrin coat pits around the SV and detach it from membrane. these pits are found throughout the axon terminal except for at AZ.
Process: Nucleation (membrane invagination=pits)–> cargo selection–>coat assembly (clathrin around pit)–> scission (separation of coated SV from membrane)–> uncoating