Glia Flashcards
the two cell types in the brain
neurons and glial cells
who introduced the concept of Neuroglia?
Virchow (1856)
radial glial cells in the retina
Miller cells
radial glial cells in the cerebellum, and what type of glial cells are they considered?
Bergmann cells (astrocytes)
The three main types of glia cells and their general function
- Astrocytes- multifunctional cells, surround neurones and regulate the extracell. activity, neuronal activity, communication, energy supply, neuronal guidance.
- oligodendrocytes- myelination of axons in the CNS (and in the PNS Schwann cells have the same functions)
- Microglia- the “immune cells” of the brain, activated when brain damage occurs.
heterogeneity of glia cells (astrocytes, olig., microglia)
Astroglia- the most diverse glia in the CNS, no uniform shape, definition or function)
Oligodendrocytes- quite homogenous, mild differences in length of processes (spinal cord-longer bodies of oligode.)
Microglia- quite homogenous, but the exist in 2 forms- ramified, inactivated form, and amboid, activated form)
main types of intermediate filaments in astrocytes
GFAP, Vimentin
1 way to identify astrocytes
using GFAP as a specific marker for astroglia (although level of expression varies between different astroglia)
types of astrocytes and their function/location
- protoplasmic astrocytes
- fibrous astrocytes
- radial glia
- valate astrocytes
protoplasmic astrocytes
found in grey matter, have many fine processes; form perivascular endfeet, as well as connections w. neurons
fibrous astrocytes
found in white matter, have long robust processes, form perivasc./subpial and feet, and send perinodal processes to contact axons ar node of Ranvier.
radial glia
bipolar & ovoid body w. elongated processes; common feature of developing brain (first cells to develop from neuronal progenitors); they form a scaffold that helps in neuronal migration; after migration, most of them turn into astrocytes apart from in cerebellum and in the retina.
valate astrocytes
radial like cells; found in cerebellum, enwrap granular neurons; similar type found in neocortex (mainly in olfactory bulb); act as stem cells and can differentiate into other cell types later (glia or neurons)
radial glia after maturation
After maturation, radial glia “disappear” from most brain regions, apart from the retina (Müller cells) and cerebellum (Bergemann cells). the rest of them transform to stellate astrocytes.
Müller cells
located in the retina;
they make extensive contacts w. retinal neurons;
morphology- extending, longitudinal processes along rods and cones. each Müller cell forms contact w. a group of neurons organised in a columnar fashion.
Bergmann cells
located in the cerebellum;
morphology- relatively small cell body, w. 3-6 processes that extend from Purkinje cell layer to dial surface. At the start of development they are real radial cells but they change their morphology later on.
they surround Purkinje cell-dendrites and form contacts w. synapses.
Functions of astrocytes
- serve as stem cells
- define the brain microarchitecture (process= tiling)
- control extracellular k+ homeostasis (via spatial buffering or k+/na+ pump)
- removal of excess glutamate
- glutamine supply to maintain glutamatergic neurotransmission
- control blood flow and provide neurons w. metabolic substances
- control synaptogenesis and synaptic maintenance
- signalling- part of the triptate synapse
- singling of glia cells/glial activation and excitability (via ATP)
- substance release/global control
the triptate synapse
the triptate synapse- synapses are built from 3 equally important parts: presynaptic terminal, postsynaptic neuronal membrane and the surrounding glia.
astrocytes in grey matter are closely associated w. neuronal membranes and their synaptic regions.
- the close proximity allows astroglia to be exposed to NT release (–> close morphology and functionality)
- receptors on astroglia match the NT released by the synapse they cover.
process in triptate synapse
NT released from presynaptic terminal–> receptor activation in postsynaptic neuron & perisynaptic astrocyte–> generation of postsyn. potential and ca2+ signal in astroglia–>a. propagation through astrocyte; b. trigger release of NT from astrocyte–> signal onto pre-&postsynaptic neuron.
how do astroglia control extracell. k+ homeostasis?
a. spatial buffering (passive)- k+ is taken up at the site of high concentration and redistributed by astrocytes at sites where it’s low.
b. active process- increase in pump activity (e.g. na+/k+ ATPase)–> increasing intercell. k+ and water.
how do astrocytes remove excess glutamate, and maintain glutamate neurotransmission?
when glutamateis released in excess and for a long time it becomes neurotoxin. Astrocytes posses special glutamate co-transporters (energy supplied from na+ grad.) –> convert glutamate into glutamine–glutamine transported back to the neuron and converted back into glutamate.
- Astrocytes define the microarchitecture of the parenchyma by dividing the gray matter (tiling) and form relatively independent structural units.
- Protoplasmic astrocytes create micro-anatomical domains (within their processes)–> membrane of astrocytes covers neuronal membrane and synapses and also send processes to neighbouring blood vessels and create neurovascular units (Neuron-astrocyte-blood vessel)
Radial glia as stem cells
neuroepithelial cells transform into radial glia–> recognised as neural precursor cell–> asymmetric division produces neuronal precursors–> migration of neurons to their destination (using radial glia as a scaffolding);
symmetric division of radial glia produces astrocytes and oligodendrocytes.
in the extracell. space, astroglia control:
a. k+
b. glutamate
c. Na+
d. water
e. a, b & d