where does a vertex or solver flue system take its air for combustion
loft/roof space
what is a vertex or solver flue system
a room sealed fan assisted appliance that takes its combustion from the loft/roof space
does the loft/roof space need to be ventilated for a vertex or solver flue system
with a vertex or solver flue system is the boiler room sealed and fan assisted
on a vertex or solver flue system is the secondary flue open flued
on a vertex or solver flue system do we carry out a flue flue test & spillage & if so where is this carried out
yes at the draft divertor on the secondary flue in the loft
as the primary vertex or solver flue system leaves boiler & passes through the ceiling what does it need
fire stop top & bottom
the vertex or solver flue system air supply should be how far from the top of the insulation
the vertex or solver flue system air supply draft divertor should be how far from the top of the insulation
the secondary vertex or solver flue system should have a minimum rise of how much before any bends
the vertex or solver flue system bends should be no more than what degrees
45 degrees
the vertex or solver flue system bends should be no more than what degrees
45 degrees
the vertex or solver flue system bends should be no more than what degrees
45 degrees
the vertex/solver offset section of flue from 1st bend to terminal cannot exceed what
The offset section of flue shall not exceed 20 % of the total length of the secondary flue
what different terminals can a vertex/solver flue system terminate in
normal or ridge terminal
list in order the structure of a vertex/solver system from boiler to terminal
room sealed appliance
primary flue (fire stopped at both ends as it passes through ceiling)
air intake 300mm above loft insulation
draft divertor 400mm above lost insulation
secondary flue 600mm minimum
possible off set flue depending on route, if so then not more than 20% of the secondary flue
terminal either normal or ridge