Vertebrate Development: Frogs Flashcards
Single fertilized egg cell
Zygote rapidly divides again and again to form the morula (cleavage)
Solid ball of cells (cleavage)
Animal Pole
Side of the zygote/morula that contains less yolk (top) and has smaller cells (little yolk to slow down division)
Vegetal Pole
Side of the zygote/morula that contains more yolk (bottom) and has bigger cells (yolk slows down division)
Blastula Formation
Cells continue to divide until the blastula is formed (blastula formation)
Blastula (Coeloblastula)
Hollow ball of cells (blastula formation)
Hollow space inside the blastula lined by all 3 embryonic germ layers (blastula formation)
Cells from the outer surface migrate inward and anterior through the blastopore (gastrulation)
Posterior opening (gastrulation)
Yolk Plug
Patch of vegetal cells (endoderm) that remains exposed in the blastopore after the formation of the ventral lip (gastrulation)
Formation of 3 Embryonic Germ Layers
Ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm (gastrulation)
New space lined with endoderm that forms within the embryo and gives rise to the lumen (gastrulation)
Space inside the digestive tract
Blastocoel Displacement
Blastocoel is completely displaced by the archenteron (gastrulation)
Gastrulation Directionality
Posterior and anterior becomes ventral and dorsal (gastrulation)
Formation of the neural tube, notochord, coelom, and 3 mesoderm regions
Neural Plate Formation
- Cells of the notochord release proteins
- These signal to the ectoderm located dorsal to the notochord
- Signal induces ectoderm to differentiate into the neural plate ectoderm
Neural Plate Ectoderm
Bends along the dorsal midline to form the neural folds and the neural groove (neurulation)
Neural Folds
Fuse together to form the hollow neural tube (neurulation)
Neural Tube
Hollow tube that gives rise to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) (neurulation)
Hollow cavity in the neural tube that becomes the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord (neurulation)
Neural Crest Cells
Mesenchymal cells that migrate throughout many regions of the embryo and separate from the dorsal region of the neural tube during neurulation (neurulation)
Epidermal Ectoderm
Moves towards midline to cover the neural tube (neurulation)
Derived from mesoderm (neurulation)
Hollow space that forms between the somatic hypomere mesoderm and the splanchnic hypomere mesoderm and gives rise to major body cavities of the adult (neurulation)
Mesenchymal Cells
Cells shed from different regions of mesoderm that can migrate independently throughout the embryo (various times during development)
Epimere Mesoderm
Upper region of mesoderm that forms somites in the trunk region (neurulation)
Differentiate into dermatome, myotome, and sclerotome
Mesomere Mesoderm
Middle region of mesoderm (neurulation)
Hypomere Mesoderm
Lower region of mesoderm that further differentiates into somatic hypomere mesoderm and splanchnic hypomere mesoderm (neurulation)