Phylogeny & Morphology Flashcards
Named group of organisms
Homologous Characters
Characters inherited from a common ancestor, arise from the same structure, and originate from the same sub-embryonic germ layer but may not share a similar function or appearance
Convergent Evolution
Similar characters that are not the result of inheritance from a common ancestor but evolved due to similar selection pressures
Immediate Function
The first independent function of a feature
Biological Role
Function that involves immediate function(s)
Homology: Embryonic Origin
Structures that arise from the same precise embryonic origin are most likely homologous
Phylogenetic Tree
Graphical representation of the hypothesis of the evolutionary history among taxa
Represents the common ancestor of 2 lineages
Shows the branching history of lineages
Divergent Evolution
Homologous characters that no longer appear similar due to different selection pressures and can also lead to secondary loss
Secondary Loss
When a character that was once present in an ancestor is lost
Ancestral (Plesiomorphic) Character State
Trait that is shared by a group of organisms
Derived (Apomorphic) Character State
New trait that is unique to a smaller group of organisms
Derived character shared by two or more taxa and their most recent ancestor
Monophyletic Group (Clade)
Group consisting of an ancestor and all of its descendants