Verse Quiz 1 Flashcards
Latin, “Created out of nothing”
Creatio ex nihilo
something created without pre-existing materials
immediate creation
something created with pre-existing materials
mediate creation
image = a shadow; outline (of God)
image of God
resemblance (to God)
“deathlessness” (to live forever); mankind’s condition apart form sin
theory that man is a two-part being (body & soul, material & immaterial)
theory that man is a three-part being (body, soul, & spirit)
God’s right of ownership over His creation
the ability to make actual, original decisions, a.k.a free will (not merely the appearance of choice)
free moral agency
false view that God creates the soul/spirit and places it into the developing body
Creation theory
false view that God created all souls that would exist and placed them into Adam to be passed down each generation
pre-existence theory
view that the soul/spirit is formed through procreation by the parents (best supported by Scripture)
Traducian theory
mankind is made in the image of God
Genesis 1:26-27
Jesus Christ, the seed of the woman, will defeat Satan
Genesis 3:15-17