Versamelname 11-20 Flashcards
Al die mense wat saam na ‘n radio uitsending luister / All the people listening to a radio broadcast together
luiteraars / listeners
‘n groep mense wat per trien, boot, vliegtuig, motor of bus reis / a group of people traveling by train, boat, plane, car or bus
passiasiers / passengers
‘n groep mense wat saam by ‘n besigheid of ‘n skool werk /
a group of people who work together at a business or a school
personnel / staff
‘n groot groep visse /
a large group of fish
skool visse / school of fish
baie vlieёnde bye of voёls bymekaar / many flying bees or felts together
swerm voёls / bye
Al die mense wat saam na iets kyk wat voor hulle gebeur, byvoorbleed ‘n straatkonsert / All the people watching together at something happening in front of them imagines a street concert
toeskoures / spectators
‘n groep vee of wilde diere wat saamleef / a group of livestock or wild animals living togethe
trop beeste / herd of cattle
‘n groep vee of wilde diere wat saamleef /
a group of livestock or wild animals living together
kudde skape / flock of sheep
‘n groep skepe wat saamvaar of saamhoort / a group of ships sailing together or belonging together
vloot skepe / fleet of ships
‘n groep of bos bome /
a group or grove of trees
woud of plantasie / wood and plantation