Verkleinwoorde Flashcards
Rule for short vowel (verkleinwoorde)?
- Double last letter
2. Add -ie
Rule for twin vowel?
- Drop one vowel
2. Add -ie
Rule for words ending in -d or -t?
- Add -jie
Rule for words with a twin vowel/ double vowel/ 2 or more syllables ending in -m?
- Add -pie
Rule for words with a twin vowel/ double vowel/ two syllables/ ending in -l/-n/-r?
- Add -tjie
What is the verkleinwoord for glas?
glasie (exception)
What is the verkleinwoord for neus?
neusie (exception)
What is the verkleinwoord for gat?
gaatjie (exception)
What is the verkleinwoord for pad?
paadjie (exception)
What is the verkleinwoord for spel?
speletjie (exception)
What is the verkleinwoord for wa?
waentjie (exception)
What is the verkleinwoord for mond?
What is the verkleinwoord for kat?
What is the verkleinwoord for skaap?
What is the verkleinwoord for kop?