Vergil Aeneid Vocabulary Flashcards
from, away from; by (+ ablative)
ac, atque
and, and also; as, than
to, toward, near; about (with numerals and dates); at, by (+ accusative)
altus, -a, -um
high, lofty; deep, profound
animus, -ī, m.
soul, spirit, heart; courage
arma, -ōrum, n. pl.
weapons, arms; utensils, equipment
aut; aut…aut
or, either; either…or
when, since; although; with (+ ablative)
deus, -ī, m.
god, deity
dicō, dicere, dixī, dictus
to say, speak; to name, define
dō, dare, dedī, datus
to give, put, appoint; to grant, honor
ego, meī, mihi, mē, mē
I, me
et, et…et
and, both, also, even; both…and
ferō, ferre, tulī, latus
to bring, carry; to wear; to report
hic, haec, hoc
this, these; the latter; he, she, it
now, already
ignis, ignis, m.
fire, light, lightning; passion, fury
ille, illa, illud
that, those; the former; he, she, it
ipse, ipsa, ipsum
himself, herself, itself; myself, yourself, themselves; very; he, she, it
in, on; among (+ ablative); into, onto, to; among; for (+ accusative)
magnus, -a, -um
great, large, huge; mighty, loud
introduces a yes or no question
not; do not; lest
nec, neque
not, nor, and…not, neither
not, no, by no means
omnis, omne
all, every, whole; as a whole
through, along; by; throughout (+ accusative)
primus, -a, -um
first; chief; excellent
and, also, even
quī, quae, quod
who, which; what; that; any
quis, quid
who, what
if; when; whether
thus, in this way
sum, esse, fuī, futūrus
to be
talis, tale
such, of such a kind
terra, -ae, f.
earth, land; soil
tu, tuī, tibi, tē, tē
you (singular)
then, at that time; further
urbs, urbis, f.
videō, vidēre, vidī, visus
to see, perceive; to understand; (passive) to be seen; to seem
vir, virī, m.
man, male
aliquis, aliqua, aliquid
someone, anyone, something
alius, alia, aliud
another, other, else
amor, amoris, m.
love, affection; Cupid
before, in front of (+ accusative); previously (adv.)
arx, arcis, f.
fortress, citadel; hill, peak
aspiciō, aspicere, aspexī, aspectus
to look at, behold
bellum, -ī, n.
war, combat, fight
caelum, -ī, n.
sky, heaven; weather
caput, capitis, n.
head, summit; person
around; at; near (+ accusative)
corpus, corporis, n.
down from, away from; concerning; about (+ ablative)
dexter, dextra, dextrum
right, to the right; skillful; favorable
ducō, ducere, duxī, ductus
to lead, guide; to conduct; to choose; to think
eō, īre, iī/īvī, itūrus
to go, walk, move; to ride; to sail
errō, -āre, -āvī, -ātus
to wander, roam; to be mistaken
out of, from; according to (+ ablative)
fama, -ae, f.
report, rumor; saying
fatum, -ī, n.
fate, prediction
fluctus, -ūs, m.
wave, tide, surge
for, fārī, fātus sum
to say, speak; to prophess
gens, gentis, f.
race, clan; descendant
ingens, ingentis
huge, massive, extraordinary
ira, -ae, f.
anger, fury, hatred
Italia, -ae, f.
iubeō, iubēre, iussī, iussus
to order, command; to tell
labor, laboris, m.
labor, work; hardship, suffering
latus, -a, -um
wide, extensive, spacious
litus, litoris, n.
shore, beach
manus, ūs, f.
hand; group, band; handiwork
medius, -a, -um
middle, the middle
meus, mea, meum
my, mine
multus, -a, -um
much; many (plural)
navis, navis, f.
ship; fleet (plural)
noster, nostra, nostrum
our, ours
oculus, -ī, m.
os, oris, n.
mouth; face; expression
pater, patris, m.
father; ancestor
pectus, pectoris, n.
chest, breast, heart
petō, petere, petīvī, petītus
to look for, seek; to attack; to scan
regina, -ae, f.
regnum, -ī, n.
kingdom, realm; rule
saxum, -ī, n.
boulder, stone, large rock
–, suī, sibi, sē, sē
himself, herself, itself, themselves
under, at the foot of (+ ablative); to, toward, up to (+ accusative)
summus, -a, -um
highest, loftiest, supreme
tantus, -a, -um
so great, so much, so large
teneō, tenēre, tenuī, tentus
to hold, have; to occupy; to hold back
Troia, -ae, f.
tuus, tua, tuum
your (singular)
where; when
umbra, -ae, f.
shadow, shade; ghost
unda, -ae, f.
wave; water, sea
as; when; so that; to; how!
veniō, venīre, venī, ventūrus
to come, arrive; to go
ventus, -ī, m.
wind, breeze
accipiō, accipere, accepī, acceptus
to receive, accept; to welcome; to hear
adversus, -a, -um
opposite, turned toward; facing
aequor, -oris, n.
sea, sea surface; waves; plain