Verbs V Flashcards
to bite (to taste)
go ngatha, ngathile
to bite (to attack)
go loma, lumile
to can
go kgona, kgonne
o tshwanetse go
to fart
go phinya, pintshe
to dry (wipe with a towel)
go sutlha, sutlhile
go sutha, suthile
to dry (an object, by hanging it)
go anega, anegile
to get dressed
go apara, apere
to poo
go kaka, kakile
to pee
go rota, rotile
to burn
go sha, shele
time is up
go chaye, chaile
to come
go tla, tlile
to burp
go kgobola, kgobotse
to wash
go tlhatswa, tlhatswitse
to apply (lotion)
to apply lotion on yourself
go tshasa, tshasitse
go itshasa
to receive
go fiwa, fielwe
to lie down
go rapama, rapame
to wake up
go tsoga, tsogile
to sell
go rekisa, rekisitse
to open
bula, butse
to be next to
go bapa, bapile
to kick
go raga, ragile
to rinse
go tsokotsa, tsokotsile (itsokoditse for a person)
to stop
go ema, emisitse (ema = stop; emisa = stop doing what you are doing)
to cry
go lela, lidile
to wipe
go sutha, suthile
to cut
go kgaola, kgaotse
to push
go kgorometsa, kgoromeditse
to pull
go goga, gogile
to snore
go kgorotha, kgorothile
to drop
go diga, digile
to be angry
go tenega, tenegile
to be happy
go itumela, itumetsi
to be tired
go lapa, lapile
to pass
go fenya, fentse
to cut
go sega, segile
to stay
go nna, nntse
to feed
go jesa, jesitse
to build
go aga, agile
to expect
go solofela, solofetse
to send
go romela, rometse
to die
go swa, sule
to wait
go ema, emile
to buy
go reka, rekile
to consider (someone else)
go akanyetsa, akanyeditse
to love
go rata, ratile
to forget
go lebala, lebetse
to remember
gakolola, gakolotse
to tie (with a rope)
go golega, golegile