Verbs III Flashcards
to braai
go besa
to fry
go gadika
to be wet
go koloba, kolobile
to look after (a child)
go lebelela, lebeletse
go tlhokomela, tlhokometse
to practice
go ikatisa, ikatisitse
to visit
go êtêla, êtêtse
to wash (clothes)
go tlhatswa, tlhatswitse
to give me
mpha, mphile
to make your bed
go alola bolao
to listen
go reetsa, redetse
to rest
go ikhutsa, ikhutsetse
to greet
go dumedisa, dumedisetse
to apply (lotion) on someone else
go tshasa, tshasitse
to apply (lotion) on yourself
go itshasa, itshasitse
to swallow
go metsa, meditse
to chew
go chotla, chotlile
to dance
go bina, binne
to wet
go kolobetsa, kolobetse
to dry (objects, eg. dishes)
go omolotsa, omoletse
to pour
go tshela, tshetse
to catch
go kapa, kapile
to throw
go tika, tikile
to prefer
I like oranges more than apples
Ke rata dinamuni go feta diapole
Ke rata dinamuni go gaisa diapole
to let go
go tlogela, tlogetse
to grab
go tshwara, tshwere
to roll
go dikologa, dikologile
to squeeze (affectionate)
go squeeza, squeezile
to finish
fetsa, feditse
to taste
go ja, jile
to laugh
go tshega, tshegile
to smile
go smaila, smailile
to sweat
go fufula, fufutse
go huhula, huhutse
to scratch
go ngwaya, ngwaile
to undress (someone)
go apola, apotse
to cough
go gotlhola, gotlhotsi
to sneeze
go hetsemola, hetsemotshi
to set (as in, the sun)
go pirima, pirimile
to reject
go kgala, kgadile
to disappear
go nyêlêla, nyêlêletsi
to marry
go nyala, nyetsi
to sweep
go hêêla, hêtse
to scoop from a pot
go gêla, gêtse
to weigh
go kala, kadile/katse
to dish
go tshola, tshodile/tshotse
to select
go tlhôpa, tlhôpile
to stab
go tlhaba, tlhabile
to be scared
go tshaba, tshabile
to heal
go fôla, fôdile
to heal a sick person
go alafa
to be sick
go lwala, lwetse