Verbs that Change Meaning when used as Reflexive Verbs Flashcards
acercar; acercarse
to bring near; to get closer
acordar (o>ue); acordarse
to agree; to remember (me acuerdo de)
acostar (o>ue); acostarse
to put to bed; to go to bed
colocar; colocarse
to place; to get a job (to position yourself)
dormir (o>ue); dormirse
to sleep; to fall asleep
enfermar; enfermarse
to make ill/sick; to become ill, get sick
enganar; enganarse
to deceive; to deceive onself
esconder; esconderse
to hide (someone/something); to hide
llamar; llamarse
to call; to be called/named
llevar; llevarse con
to take; to get along with (someone)
negar (e>ie); negarse
to deny; to refuse
parecer; parecerse a
to appear; to look like (someone)
probar (o>ue); probarse
to try, test; to taste; to try on
quitar; quitarse
to take away; to take off
sentir (e>ie); sentirse
to feel; to feel (emotionally or physically)