Verbs R 11 1 50 Flashcards
to pretend, simulate
simular (3947)
to consent
consentir (e-ie) (3960)
to paralyze
paralizar (3962)
to dissipate, dispel; to squander
disipar (3963)
to increase
incrementar (3964)
to reproach
reprochar (3982)
to light, illuminate
alumbrar (3985)
to register, record
inscribir (3993)
to provide, to equip; to endow
dotar (3998)
to burst, puncture
reventar (e-ie) (4009)
to bore, tire
aburrir (4024)
to get bored with
aburrirse de (4024)
to dilute
diluir (4029)
to title, call
titular (4035)
to frequent, visit
frecuentar (4037)
to defy, stand up to
desafiar (4044)
to deprive, rob
despojar (4050)
to reign, prevail
reinar (4054)
to boil
hervir (e-ie) (4065)
to excuse
disculpar (4079)
to last, endure, survive (p…)
perdurar (4086)
to flood
inundar (4090)
to articulate
articular (4101)
to weaken, debilitate
debilitar (4112)
to feign, pretend
fingir (4113)
to equalize, make equal, level the playing field
igualar (4114)
to climb
trepar (4116)
to regulate, adjust
regular (4131)
to finish off, finish up
rematar (4133)
to argue, contend
argumentar (4139)
to populate, inhabit
poblar (o-ue) (4142)
to contradict, be inconsistent
contradecir (e-i) (4143)
to manipulate, handle
manipular (4145)
to water, irrigate
regar (e-ie) (4148)
to evoke, recall
evocar (4149)
to prosper, thrive
prosperar (4154)
to level, flatten, smooth
arrasar (4158)
to reduce a price; to lessen, diminish
rebajar (4159)
to interview
entrevistar (4160)
to reply
replicar (4177)
to adorn, to decorate
adornar (4179)
to meet, get together
concurrir (4183)
to restore, reinstate
restaurar (4187)
to delay, fall behind
retrasar (4188)
to feel, touch
palpar (4191)
to give the appearance
aparentar (4205)
to darken; to obscure, confuse, cloud
oscurecer (4212)
to twist, bend, distort
torcer (o-ue) (4221)
to spill; to shed blood or tears
derramar (4222)
to aggravate
agravar (4226)