Verbs 10 R 50 100 Flashcards
to contrast
contrastar (3734)
to unwrap
desenvolver (o-ue) (3740)
to interrogate
interrogar (3746)
to subsist, survive
subsistir (3748)
to stir, toss, mix, scramble; to turn, mess up
revolver (o-ue) (3752)
to return or go back to a place; to return or take back an object
retornar (3754)
to rent, hire
alquilar (3761)
to make one’s home, settle down, dwell
radicar (3763)
to make wet, dampen
mojar (3766)
to knock down, knock out; to demolish, cut down; to overthrow
derribar (3772)
to stand out, excel
sobresalir (3779)
to filter
filtrar (3781)
to mobilize
movilizar (3787)
to call upon, appeal to
apelar (3790)
to excite, fill with enthusiasm
entusiasmar (3793)
to get excited
entusiasmarse (3793)
to sew
coser (3799)
to mature, ripen
madurar (3819)
to have lunch
almorzar (o-ue) (3820)
to lodge, harbor
albergar (3822)
to please
complacer (3823)
to take pleasure in
complacer en (3823)
to stir; to remove, oust
remover (o-ue) (3827)
to sin
pecar (3828)
to occur, happen (a……..)
acontecer (3831)
to overflow, spill over; to surpass, exceed
desbordar (3834)
to plead, argue
alegar (3836)
to face, confront, handle
encarar (3839)
to calm down (t………..)
tranquilizar (3848)
to emigrate, migrate
emigrar (3850)
to discard, throw away; to reject
desechar (3855)
to use for the first time, debut
estrenar (3869)
to incite, urge on
incitar (3877)
to favor, foster, aid
propiciar (3884)
to question
cuestionar (3888)
to melt
fundir (3893)
to be merged
fundirse (3893)
to repress
reprimir (3895)
to meditate, ponder
meditar (3901)
to preach
predicar (3917)
to embody
encarnar (3918)
to negotiate, deal with or in
negociar (3921)
to honor
honrar (3931)
to unchain; to trigger, unleash
desencadenar (3933)
to offend, insult
ofender (e-ie) (3936)
to take offense
ofenderse (e-ie) (3936)
to cool
enfriar (3938)
to illustrate
ilustrar (3941)
to ratify
ratificar (3942)
to smash, shatter; to destroy, wreck,
destrozar (3945)