Verbs Only - 3rd Conjs Wheelocks 1-40 Flashcards
mittō, -ere, mīsī, missum
to send
āmittō, -ere, āmīsī, āmissum
to send away; lose, let go
admittō, -ere, admīsī, admissum
to admit, receive, let in
committō, -ere, commīsī, commissum
to entrust, commit
agō, -ere, ēgī, āctum
to drive, lead, do, act, spend time
grātiās agere
to thank, give thanks to (idiom phrase + dat., 3rd conj.)
alō, -ere, aluī, altum
to nourish, support, increase, cherish
cadō, -ere, cecidī, cāsūrum
to fall
coepī, coepisse, coeptum
began (defective verb used in the perf. system only; pres. supplied by incipiō)
currō, -ere, cucurrī, cursum
to run, rush, move quickly
cupiō, -ere, cupīvī, cupītum
to desire, wish, long for (-iō verb)
capiō, -ere, cēpī, captum
to take, capture, seize, get (-iō verb)
rapiō, -ere, rapuī, raptum
to seize, snatch, carry away (-iō verb)
dēfendō, -ere, dēfendī, dēfēnsum
to ward off, defend, protect
dīcō, -ere, dīxī, dīctum
to say, tell, speak, name, call
dīligō, -ere, dīlēxī, dīlēctum
to esteem, love
discēdō, -ere, discessī, discessum
to go away, depart
discō, -cere, didicī
to learn
dūcō, -ere, dūxī, ductum
to lead, consider, prolong
faciō, -ere, fēcī, factum
to make, do, accomplish (-iō verb)
fluō, -ere, flūxī, flūxum
to flow
fugiō, -ere, fūgī, fugitūrum
to flee, hurry away, escape, avoid (-iō verb)
gerō, -ere, gessī, gestum
to carry on, wage, manage, accomplish, perform
iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iactum
to throw, hurl (-iō verb)
iungō, -ere, iūnxī, iūnctum
to join
incipiō, -ere, incēpī, inceptum
to begin (-iō verb)
intellegō, -ere, intellēxī, intellēctum
to understand
legō, -ere, lēgī, lēctum
to pick out, choose, read
neglegō, -ere, neglēxī, neglēctum
to neglect, disregard
ōdī, ōdisse, ōsum
to hate (defective verb, past tense used with present meaning)
regō, -ere, rēxī, rēctum
to rule, guide, direct
relinquō, -ere, reliquī, relictum
to leave behind, leave, abandon, desert
scrībō, -ere, scrīpsī, scrīptum
to write, compose
tangō, -ere, tetigī, tāctum
to touch
trahō, -ere, trāxī, tractum
to draw, drag, derive, acquire
vincō, -ere, vīcī, victum
to conquer, overcome
vīvō, -ere, vīxī, vīctum
to live
accipiō, -ere, accēpī, acceptum
to take to oneself, receive, accept (3rd conj.)
bibō, -ere, bibī
to drink (3rd conj.)
cēdō,-ere, cessī, cessum
to go, withdraw, yield to, grant, submit (3rd conj.)
cernō, -ere, crēvī, crētum
to distinguish, discern, perceive (3rd conj.)
cognōscō, -ere, cognōvī, cognitum
to become acquainted with, learn, recognize (know, in perf. tenses) (3rd conj.)
comprehendō, -ere, comprehendī, comprehēnsum
to grasp, seize, arrest, comprehend, understand (3rd conj.)
condō, -ere, condidī, conditum
to put together/into, store, found, establish (3rd conj.)
cōnsūmō, -ere, cōnsūmpsī, cōnsūmptum
to consume, use up (3rd conj.)
contendō, -ere, contendī, contentum
to strive, struggle, contend, hasten (3rd conj.)
crēdō, -ere, crēdidī, crēditum
to believe, trust (3rd conj. + acc. or dat.)
ēripiō, -ere, ēripuī, ēreptum
to snatch away, take away, rescue (3rd conj.)
excipiō, -ere, excēpī, exceptum
to take out, except, receive, capture (3rd conj.)
expellō, -ere, expulī, expulsum
to drive out, expel, banish (3rd conj.)
expōnō, -ere, exposuī, expositum
to set forth, explain, expose (3rd conj.)
minuō, -ere, minuī, minūtum
to lessen, diminish (3rd conj.)
nōscō, -ere, nōvī, nōtum
to learn, recognize (know, in perf. tenses)
occidō, -ere, occidī, occāsum
to fall down, die, set (3rd conj. - sunset/west)
opprimō, -ere, oppressī, oppressum
to suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check (3rd conj.)
ostendō, -ere, ostendī, ostentum
to exhibit, show, display (3rd conj.)
patefaciō, -ere, patefēcī, patefactum
to make open, open, disclose, expose (3rd conj.)
pellō, -ere, pepulī, pulsum
to strike, push, banish (3rd conj.)
petō, -ere, petīvī, petītum
to seek, aim at, beg, beseech (3rd conj.)
pōnō, -ere, posuī, positum
to put, place, set (3rd conj.)
premō, -ere, pressī, pressum
to press, press hard, pursue (3rd conj.)
prōmittō, -ere, prōmisī, prōmissum
to send forth, promise (3rd conj.)
quaerō, -ere, quaesīvī, quaesītum
to seek, strive for, ask, inquire (3rd conj.)
recipiō, -ere, recēpī, receptum
to take back, regain, receive (3rd conj.)
surgō, -ere, surrēxī, surrēctum
to get up, arise (3rd conj.)
suscipiō, -ere, suscēpī, susceptum
to undertake (3rd conj.)
vertō, -ere, vertī, versum
to turn, change (3rd conj.)
parcō, -ere, pepercī, parsūrum
to be lenient to, spare (+ dat.) (3rd conj.)
accēdō, -ere, accessī, accessum
to come to, approach (3rd conj.)
ignōscō, -ere, ignōvī, ignōtum
to grant pardon to, forgive (+ dat.) (3rd conj.)
antepōnō, -ere, anteposuī, antepositum
to put before, prefer (3rd conj.)
carpō, -ere, carpsī, carptum
to harvest, pluck, seize (3rd conj.)
cōgō, -ere, coēgī, coāctum
to bring together, force, compel (3rd conj.)
contemnō, -ere, contempsī, contemptum
to despise, scorn (3rd conj.)
contundō, -ere, contudī, contūsum
to beat, crush, bruise, destroy (3rd conj.)
crēscō, -ere, crēvī, crētum
to increase (3rd conj.)
nubō, -ere, nūpsī, nūptum
to veil (+ dat.), to be married to, marry (of a bride) (3rd conj.)
dēcernō, -ere, dēcrēvī, dēcrētum
to decide, settle, decree (3rd conj.)
exigō, -ere, exēgī, exāctum
to drive out, force out, exact, complete, perfect (3rd conj.)
fīō, -erī, factus sum
to occur, happen, become, be made, be done (3rd conj. IRREG.)
requirō, -ere, requīsīvī, requīsītum
to seek, ask for, miss, need, require (3rd conj.)
sapiō, -ere, sapīvī
to have good taste, have good sense, be wise (3rd conj.)
trādō, -ere, trādidī, trāditum
to give over, hand down, transmit, teach (3rd conj.)
interficiō, -ere, interfēcī, interfectum
to kill, murder (3rd conj.)
metuō, -ere, metuī
to fear, dread, be afraid for (+ dat.) (3rd conj.)
recognōscō, -ere, recognōvī, recognitum
to recognize, recollect (3rd conj.)
suspendō, -ere, suspendī, suspēnsum
to hang up, suspend, interrupt (3rd conj.)
vēndō, -ere, vēndidī, vēnditum
to sell (3rd conj.)