Latin Idiom Flashcards
nihil cum ratione gerere
do nothing rationally, lit. do nothing with reason
grātitās agere + dat.
thank s.b., lit. give thanks to s.b.
vītam in ōtio agere
live a life in peace
hōra fugit; tempus fugit
time flies
Vīta non est vīvere sed valēre.
Life is not (merely) to live but to flourish.
in mātrimōnium dūcere + acc.
marry s.b., lit. lead s.b. into a marriage
poenās dare
pay the penalty
orbis terrārum
the world, lit. circle of lands
amābō mē
per sē
by himself/themselves = on his/their own 凭自己
multōs scrīptōrēs factōrum suōrum
many men to write about his accomplishments, lit. many writers (chroniclers) of his accomplishments
sine morā
at once, lit. without delay
hāc in cāveā, magnō in perīculō
in this cage, in a great peril
bellum gerere
to wage war
sē cum virtūte/sapientiā gerere
to conduct oneself virtuously/wisely
turba poētārum
a throng of poets
salūtis commūnis causā
for the sake of common welfare (causā + gen. for the sake of)
sēnsus commūnis
sensitivity/concern for the community, lit. sense for the common people. This phrase cannot be translated into “common sense”.
exemplī grātiā/causā
for instance (grātiā/causā + gen. for the sake of)
magnā cum cūrā
with great care
studiō laudis
the pursuit of (eagerness for) praise
aliquid iūcundī atque fēlīcis
some joy and happiness, lit. something of the joyful and happy
Aliquid aliquō factum est/erit/erat. has been(was)/will have been/had been done by s.b.
Aliquid alicui faciendum est/erit/erat.
S.b. has to/will have to/had to do .