Verbs COPY Flashcards
Passé Simple & Futur Simple
the passé simple is a literary tense and is thus limited to formal writing, such as literature, journalism, and historical accounts. The passé simple is the literary and historical equivalent of the passé composé, which is used when speaking and in informal writing, such as a letter to a friend.
Passé Imparfait In general, used for completed actions
explains what was happening, with no indication of when or even if it ended J’étais à l’école = I was at school. details what used to happen on a regular basis, or happened an indefinite number of times. Je perdais constamment mon livre = I was always losing my book. indicates an ongoing state of being or feeling. J’aimais l’école = I liked school. J’étais toujours inspiré par mes profs = I was always inspired by my teachers describes what was happening or how something was when … J’étais à l’école quand … = I was at school when … J’essayais d’étudier mais … = I was trying to study but …
Imparfait Clues
chaque semaine, mois, année = every week, month year le week-end = on the weekends le lundi, le mardi = on Mondays, on Tuesdays tous les jours = every day le matin, le soir = in the mornings, in the evenings toujours = always (in the past)\ normalement, d’habitude = usually en général, généralement = in general, generally souvent = often parfois, quelquefois = sometimes de temps en temps = from time to time rarement = rarely autrefois = formerly
Passé ComposéIn general, used for completed actions
announces what happened, actions that were completed. Je suis arrivé tôt = I arrived early. expresses what happened a specific number of times. J’ai étudié lundi = I studied on (a specific) Monday. J’ai perdu mon livre deux fois = I lost my book twice. reports a change in a state of being, a new feeling. En ce moment, j’ai détesté l’école = At that moment, I hated school. J’ai été inspiré par ton succès = I was (became) inspired by your success. … the passé composé interrupted with news of some occurence. … il a commencé à pleuvoir = .… it started raining. … mon ami m’a posé une question = .… my friend asked me a question.
Passé Composé Clues
une semaine, un mois, un an = one week, month, year un week-end = one weekend lundi, mardi = on Monday, on Tuesday un jour = one day un matin, un soir = one morning, one night toujours = always (and still now) plusieurs fois = several times une fois, deux fois = once, twice soudain, sodainement = suddenly tout à coup = all of a sudden tout d’un coup = in one fell swoop d’abord = first ensuite, puis = next, then enfin = finally finalement = in the end
Futur Antérieur
The futur antérieur is formed by using the futuretense of the helping verb ( avoir or ětre) + the past participle of the action being performed. The futur antérieur tells what the subject will or shall have done: Ils auront fini avant mon départ. (They will have finished before my departure.)
Verbs qui se conjuguent avec “être”
Devenir = to become je suis devenu(e)Revenir = to come back tu es revenu(e)&Monter = to go up il est montéRester = to stay elle est restéeSortir = to go out nous sommes sortis (sorties)Venir = to come vous êtes venus (venues)Aller = to go ils sont allésNaître = to be born elles sont néesDescendre = to go down je suis descendu(e)Entrer = to enter tu es entré(e)Rentrer = to return il est rentréTomber = to fall elle est tombéeRetrourner = to go back nous sommes retournés (retournées)Arriver = to arrive vous êtes arrivés (arrivées)Mourrir = to die elle est mortePartir = to leave ils sont partis
“ER” Verbs - Regular
Je -e
Tu -es
Il/Elle -e
Nous -ons
Vous -ez
Ils/Elles -ent
-cer verbs:
with nous c changes to ç. All other conjugations remain the same.
-ger verbs:
with nous, add an e between the final g and the ending ons. All other conjugations remain the same.
-ayer, -oyer, & -uyer verbs
for je, tu, il and ils change the y to a l. Nous and Vous remain the same.
-eler verbs
To conjugate je, tu, il and ils, change l to ll
Nous and Vous remain the same
-eter verbs
for je, tu, il, ils - change the t to tt
Nous and Vous remain the same
Verbs with “e” in the second to last syllable
for je, tu, il, and ils - change the e to è
Nous and Vous remain the same
Verbs with é in the second to last syllable
for je, tu, il, ils - change the é to è
Nous and Vous remain the same
IR Verbs - Regular
je -is
tu -is
elle -it
nous -issons
vous -issez
elles -issent
couvrir, cueillir, offrir, souffrir
- remove the stem -ir
- behave like -er verbs for conjugation
dormir, mentir, partir, sentir, servir, sortir
- for conjugating the plural forms (nous, vous, ils) the stem is determined by removing the final -ir
- for conjugating the singular forms (je, tu, il) the stem is the same as the plural stem, except that the last letter of the plural stem is removed in addtion to the ir
- je dors, tu dors, il dort, nous dormons, vous dormez, ils dorment
RE Verbs - Present
je -s
tu -s
il -
nous -ons
vous -ez
ils -ent
-aindre, -eindre, and -oindre verbs
- for the singular form (je, tu, il) the stem is determined by removing the final -dre
- for the plural form (nous, vous, ils) the stem is the same as teh singular stem, except that a g is immeditely after the final i and before the n.
- joindre
- je joins, tu joins, il joint
- nous joignons, vous joignez, ils joignent