Verbs Flashcards
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To accost
transitive verb
To approach and speak to = abordar a alguien
“If a surly panhandler should accost you, keep on walking”
Si un malhumorado mendigo te aborda, sigue caminando.
Esp.: abordar a alguien
Fr.: aborder quelqu’un
To abound
intransitive verb
To exist in great number = abundar
“The western used to abound with bison before those animals were staughtered by setters.”
Esp.: abundar.
Fr.: être abondant.
To shelter
To protect yourself, or another person or thing, from bad weather, danger, or attack:
We were caught in a thunderstorm, without anywhere to shelter.
A group of us were sheltering from the rain under the trees.
Esp.: proteger.
Fr.: protéger.
To slaughter /ˈslɔː.tər/
transitive verb
Masacrar, vencer ampliamente.
To cruelly and unfairly kill a lot of people:
Thousands of people were slaughtered in the civil war.
to kill an animal for meat:
The animals are slaughtered in spring.
to defeat someone very easily:
England slaughtered Germany 5–1 at football.
ESP.: masacrar, vencer ampliamente.
Fr.: massacrer, défaire largement.
To deal
To do business, especially to buy and sell
I think he deals in stocks and shares.
ESP: comerciar.
Fr.: negocier.
To handle
To deal with or be in charge of something
He handled the situation very well.
Who handles the marketing in your company?
Esp.: manejar, ocuparse de
To accelerate
Fr.: accélérer.
To breed (I bred bred)
Esp.: Reproducir
Fr.: reproduire
To loan
to lend
Esp.: prestar.
to lend (I lent, lent)
to lend something, esp. money:
Can you loan me $10 until payday?
Esp.: prestar
To provide
To maintain,
to continue to have; to keep in existence, or not allow to become less
Esp.: mantener
To scare
to frighten a person or animal
To annoy
To foresee
ver en el futuro, preveer
To alter
alterar, modificar
To dismiss
To be dismissed
To fire, to sack, to lay off, to send or put away someone
To drawn
To die because you are underwater and cannot breathe, or to kill someone in this way
Esp.: ahogarse.
Fr.: Se noyer.
To blow, I blew, blew
to force air out through your mouth
If the wind blows, it moves and makes currents of air
The wind blew hard during the storm.
I blew on my coffee to cool it.soplar
Esp.: soplar
To swamp
To cover or fill with water
A great wave swamped the deck.
Esp.: empantanar, inundar, anegar.
Fr.: innonder.
To shore
llegar a la orilla.
Fr.: arriver au bord de
to thirst
To have a great desire for
He’s thirsting for revenge.
Esp.: tener sed de
Fr.: avoir soif de…
to belong to
petenecer a
to ring
to hold
To sing
To shine
To wake
To beat
to defeat
Esp.: golpear, vencer
To sweep I swept, swept
To disguise
To glance
Echar una mirada
To stare
Mirar fijamente
To engage
emplear / comprometerse
To swin I swam, swum
To strike, I stuck, stuck (stricken)
To swear, I swore, sworn
To tear, I tore , torn
To throw, I threw, thrown
tirar, lanzar
To wake, I woke, woken