Phrasal verb Flashcards
To shake hands with (someone) / shake someone’s hand
estrechar la mano a alguien
To lay off
To dismiss employees, workers…
Esp: Despedir a alguien.
Fr.: renvoyer quelqu’un.
To give up
stop to do something you do usually
Esp.: dejar de hacer algo
To lean on sb (informal)
to try to make someone do what you want by threatening or persuading them:
We may have to lean on them a little if we want our money.
Esp.: persuadir, influenciar
To drop
to fall or to allow something to fall:
She dropped her keys.
I’m always dropping things.
To show up, I showed, shown
To arrive somewhere in order to join a group of people, especially late or unexpectedly:
I invited him for eight o’clock, but he didn’t show up until 9.30.
We were expecting 30 people to come, but half of them never showed up.
Esp. mostrarse, aparecer
To go through
If a law, plan, or deal goes through, it is officially accepted or approved:
A city council member said that the proposals for the new shopping centre were unlikely to go through.
Esp.: ser aceptado oficialmente, entrar en vigor
To get into a tangle
Meterse en un lío
To be worth
Valer la pena
to be useful or enjoyable despite needing a lot of effort
It was a long climb up the mountain, but the view was worth it.
To go over
To throw some light
Echar alguna luz, aclarar
To drow up some notes
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