VERBS Flashcards
Apretar el cinturon, ahorrar peniques
To pinch pennies
but I’m pinching pennies myself
Pero estoy ahorrando dinero
Pedir prestado
borrow [ˈbɒrəʊ] VT → pedir prestado (from, of a) → tomar prestado; [+ idea etc] → adoptar, apropiarse; [+ word] → tomar (from de) may I borrow your car? → ¿me prestas el coche?
you can borrow it till I need it → te lo presto hasta que lo necesite
owe [əʊ]
A. VT (gen) → deber
to owe sb £2 → deber dos libras a algn
I’ll owe it to you → te lo quedo a deber
to owe sb for a meal → deber a algn una comida
he claims he is still owed for the work → asegura que todavía se le debe dinero por el trabajo
he owes his life to a lucky chance → debe su vida a una casualidad
he owes his talent to his mother → le debe su talento a su madre
Pagar la deuda
To pay the full amount on (a debt).
Phrasal verb transitivo ej. I can’t seem to pay the money off.
Frenar, restringir
curb [kɜːb] VT (fig) [+ temper, impatience etc] → dominar, refrenar; [+ spending] → restringir; [+ inflation] → poner freno a, frenar