verbs Flashcards
to endure
да издржи
suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently.
to intrude
to thrust or to bring in without invitation, permission, or welcome
наметне, навлезе
to devote
да посвети (време, дело
to beam
smile radiantly.
“she beamed with pleasure”
(of a light or light source) shine brightly.
“the sun’s rays beamed down”
to slurp
drink or eat (something) with a loud sucking noise.
“she slurped her coffee”
to meander
(of a river or road) follow a winding course.
“a river that meandered gently through a meadow”
to glisten
(of something wet or greasy) shine with a sparkling light.
“his cheeks glistened with tears”
to swoop
(especially of a bird) move rapidly downwards through the air.
“the barn owl can swoop down on a mouse in total darkness”
to wither
(за растение) овенува
to immerse
involve oneself deeply in a particular activity
се нурнува
to reinforce
strengthen (an existing feeling, idea, habit or object).
to deprive
prevent (a person or place) from having or using something.
trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches or stems, especially to encourage growth.
to depart
leave, in order to start a journey
diminish gradually in size; se namaluva
a sudden large increase; se zgolemuva
a sudden forward or upward movement, especially by crowd
to declare
to say something in a solemn and empathic manner
to leap
to jump across; move quickly and suddenly; jump or spring in a long way, to a great height or with great force
to roam
move or travel aimlessly, especially over a wide area (талка)
to accustom
ае навикнува
to preserve
maintain something in its original or existing state
to forge
make or shape a metal object by heating it (кова)
create something strong, enduring(e.g. to forge a bond)
to stroll
walk in a leisurely way (шета)
to persevere