Verbs Flashcards
Conjugate “parler” (to speak).
- je parle
- tu parles
- il/elle parle
- nous parlons
- vous parlez
- ils/elles parlent
Conjugate “vendre” (to sell).
- je vends
- tu vends
- il/elle vend
- nous vendons
- vous vendez
- ils/elles vendent
Conjugate “partir” (to leave).
- je pars
- tu pars
- il/elle part
- nous partons
- vous partez
- ils/elles partent
Most -ir verbs are not conjugated like “partir,” but rather like “finir.” Verbs conjugated like “partir” are considered irregular.
Conjugate “finir” (to finish)
- je finis
- tu finis
- il/elle finit
- nous finissons
- vous finissez
- ils/elles finissent
Most -ir verbs add -iss before the conjugated ending in the plural forms.
State all the conjugations of “avoir” (to have).
- ai
- as
- a
- avons
- avez
- ont
“Avoir” is irregular.
List the conjugations of “etre” (to be).
- suis
- es
- est
- somme
- êtes
- sont
“Etre” is irregular.
State the conjugations of “aller” (to go).
- vais
- vas
- va
- allons
- allez
- vont
“Allez” is irregular.
What are the conjugations of “faire” (to do)?
present indicative (modify cards so they say this)
- fais
- fais
- fait
- faisons
- faits
- font
“Fazer” is irregular.
List the conjugations of “dire” (to say).
- dis
- dis
- dit
- disons
- dites
- disent
“Dire” is irregular.
The conjugations of “pouvoir” (can) are…
“Pourvoir” is irregular.
- peux
- peux
- peut
- pouvons
- pouvez
- peuvent
State the conjugations of “vouloir” (to want).
- veux
- veux
- veut
- voulons
- voulez
- veulent
“Vouloir” is irregular.
Conjugate “savoir” (to know).
“Savoir” is irregular.
- sais
- sais
- sait
- savons
- savez
- savent
What are the conjugations of “mettre” (to put)?
“Mettre” is irregular.
- mets
- mets
- met
- mettons
- mettez
- mettent
List the conjugations of “connaître” (to get to know).
- connais
- connais
- connaît
- connaissons
- connaissez
- connaissent
“Connaître” is irregular.
The conjugations of “venir” (to come) are…
- viens
- viens
- vient
- venons
- venez
- viennent
“Venir” is irregular.
State the conjugations of “dormir” (to sleep).
- dors
- dors
- dort
- dormons
- dormez
- dorment
“Dormir” is irregular.
The conjugations of “sentir” (to feel) are…
- sens
- sens
- sent
- sentons
- sentez
- sentent
“Sentir” is irregular.
Conjugate “mourir” (to die) in the present indicative.
- meurs
- meurs
- meurt
- mourons
- mourez
- meurent
“Mourir” is irregular.