verbos que llevan preposiciones Flashcards
to approach
acercarse a
to manage to
acertar a
llegar a
alcanzar a
to be/get used to
acostumbrarse a
to encourage to
animar a (algo)
to learn to
aprender a
to dare to
atreverse a
to help
ayudar a (algo)
to go down to
bajar a
to begin to
comenzar a echar(se) a empezar a meterse a ponerse a
to undertake to
comprometerse a
to lead to
conducir a
llevar a
to contribute to
contribuir a (algo)
to invite to
convidir a
invitar a
to take care of
cuidar a
to decide to
decidirse a
to devote oneself to
dedicarse a
to challenge to
desafiar a (algo)
to get ready to
disponerse a
to teach to/show how to
enseñar a
to force to
forzar a obligar a (algo)
to urge to
impulsar a
to incite to
incitar a (algo)
to incline to
inclinar a
to be going to
ir a
to limit oneself to
limitarse a
to become
llegar a ser
to send to
mandar a
to refuse to
negarse a
to go on to
pasar a
to persuade to
persuadir a (algo)
to get ready to
prepararse a
to renounce
renunciar a (algo)
to resign oneself to
resignarse a
to resist
resistirse a
to tend to
tender a (algo)
to ____ again
volver a
to threaten to
amenazar con
to begin with/by
comenzar con/por
to count/rely on
contar con
to be satisfied with
contentarse con
to be concerned with
preocuparse con
to dream of
soñar con
to concern, have to do with
tener que ver con
to have just (done something)
acabar de
to remember to
acordarse de
to accuse of
acusar de
to be happy, pleased to
alegrarse de
to regret
arrepentirse de
to be ashamed of
avergonzarse de
to tire (get tired) of
cansarse de
to stop /cease from
cesar de
to become convinced
convencerse de
to take care to, be careful to
cuidar de
to stop doing something; leave off; to fail to
dejar de
to dissuade from
disuadir de
to take charge of
encargarse de
to take care, be careful not to
guardarse de
to be fed up with
hartarse de
to boast about
jactarse de
presumir de
to bemoan
lamentarse de
to forget to
olvidarse de
to stop
parar de
terminar de
to be concerned about
preocuparse de
to complain about
quejarse de
to try to
tratar de
to be about, be a question of
tratarse de
to trust to
confiar en
to consent to
consentir en
to consist of
consistir en
to agree to
convenir en quedar en (informal)
to hesitate over
dudar en
vacilar en
to insist on, to be determined to
empeñarse en
insistir en
to be right to
hacer bien en
to be wrong to
hacer mal en
to be interested in
interesarse en
to bother about, take the trouble to
molestarse en
to think about
pensar en
to persist in
persistir en
to take a long time to, delay in
tardar en
to strive to
afanarse por
apurarse por
to apologize for
disculparse por
to struggle to
esforzarse por
to be in favor of
to be yet completed
estar por
to struggle for
luchar por
to opt for
optar por
to condemn to
condenar a (algo)
depend on
depender de