Verbos de comida Flashcards
To chew
Masticar (‘car’)
To bite
Morder (reg)
To suck
chupar (reg)
To taste
Probar (ue)
To smell
huelo, hueles, huele, olemos, huelen
To swallow
Tragar (gar)
To spit
escupir (reg)
To enjoy
disfrutar (reg)
To digest
digerir (reg)
It smells of gas
Huele a gas
To have breakfast
Desayunar (reg)
To consume
consumir (reg)
To lick
lamer (reg)
Cooking styles
Los estilos de cocina
To cut
cortar (reg)
To chop
picar (‘car’)
To add
agregar (gar), añadir (reg)
To incorporate, add
incorporar (reg)
To mix
mezclar (reg)
To combine, to go with (clothes etc)
combinar (reg)
To fry
freír (í)
Fried (adj)
Frito, a
To boil
Hervir (ie)
Boiled (adj)
Hervido, a
To bake
Hornear (reg)
To cook, bake, boil
yo cuezo, tu cueces…
To roast, grill
Asar (reg)
Roasted, grilled (adj)
Asado, a
To roast (only)
Rostizar (zar)
To burn
Quemar (reg)
Quemado, a
To marinate
Marinar (reg)
The marinade
La marinada
Marinated (adj)
Marinado, a
To smoke (a food)
pres: ahúmo, ahúmas
Ahumado, a
To pour
Verter (ie)
To spill
derramar (reg)
To serve
Servir (i)
To stir
Revolver (ue)
Past: revuelto
To steam
Cocer / cocinar al vapor
To feed, nourish
alimentar (reg)
To deliver
entregar (gar)
The food is going to go off
La comida se va a vencer
To defeat, overcome
Vencer (venzo)
To expire
Vencerse (me venzo)
To recommend, advise
Aconsejar (reg)
Can I have/can you give me?
¿Puede darme…?
Does it come with salad
¿Viene con ensalada?
To ask for, order
Pedir (i)
I’m vegetarian
Soy vegetariano, a
To tip
Dar propina
Set the table, please
Pon la mesa, por fav
To set the table
Poner la mesa
To grind, mill
Moler (ue)
To pinch
Pellizcar (car)
To turn over, flip
Voltear (reg)
To seed, sow
Sembrar (ie)
To refrigerate
Refrigerar (reg)
To season, dress
Aderezar (zar)
The food went off
La comida se venció
To melt
Derretir (i)
To freeze
congelar (reg)
To defrost
To put away the plates
guardar los platos
to blend
licuar (reg)
To stock up
abastecerse (reg)
To fill, to fulfill
llenar (reg)
To spread
untar (reg)
I was thinking about making a soup
Pensaba en hacer una sopa