Verbatim Rules Flashcards
Rule 26
A blue signal is a blue flag, blue light or a blue tag by day or a blue light or an illuminated blue tag by night
Blue signals signify that workmen are on, under or between rolling equipment and when displayed
The equipment must not be coupled to or moved
Other equipment must not be placed on the same track so as to reduce or block the view of a blue signal
Rolling equipment must not pass a blue signal. Blue signals must be displayed by each craft or group of workmen prior to their going on, under or between rolling equipment and may only be removed by the same group or craft displaying them
Rule 99
When required the flagman must go back with the proper signals to protect the train. The flagman must, in addition to the minimum distances, take into consideration the grade, curvature of track, weather conditions, sight distance and any other conditions which would affect the manner in which protection must be afforded
The minimum distance for flag protection is:
Manual Block - 1200 Feet
Automatic Block - 500 Feet
Upon reaching this distance, the flagman will display one lighted fusee. The front of the train must be protected the same way, when required.
When recalled and safety ro the train permits, the flagman may return to the train leaving a lighted fusee.
Crew members are responsible for the protection of their train. Fusees must not be left on bridges or trestles.
Rule 100
Within designated limits specified in the timetable, the main track may be used by proper signal indication or permission of the Block Operator without protecting against following movements on the same track
NOTE: where manual block signal system rules are in effect, Rule 99 will apply for following movements when a disabled train is awaiting the arrival of an assistant train.
Rule 152
When a train crosses over to or obstructs another track, unless otherwise provided, it must first be protected as prescribed by Rule 99
Rule 153
All movements on tracks used for passenger trains, not protected by a block signal system or by an interlocking, must be made at RESTRICTED SPEED
Movements on tracks other than main tracks, unless otherwise specified, must be made at RESTRICTED SPEED
Rule 251
On portions of the railroad and on tracks specified in the timetable, trains will run with reference to other trains in the same direction by blocksignals whose indications will supersede the superiority of trains.
Rule 261
On portions on the railroad and on tracks specified in the timetable, trains will be governed by block signals whose indications will supersede the superiority of trains for both opposing and following movements on the same track.
Trains MUST NOT clear or enter the main track at a switch not equipped with an electric lock without Form L authority
Rule 262
A train for which the direction of traffic has been established must not move in the opposite direction without proper interlocking signal indication or permission from the Train Dispatcher through the Block Operator
Rule 459
Rule 459
If the ACSES apparatus on a train malfunctions after departing its initial terminal, the condition must be immediately reported to the Train Dispatcher through the Block Operator via radio. ONLY when authorized by the Train Dispatcher will the Block Operator instruct the crewmember to cut out ACSES. The train dispatcher will then proceed governed by all other applicable rules and mandatory directives, not exceeding 59MPH.
On Single Track where Rule 251 is in effect: Trains operating as an ACSES failure must not exceed a speed of 30 MPH for passenger class equipment and 20 MPH for freight class equipment
Rule 316
(For absolute block for both following and opposing movements on the same track)
A train must not be admitted to a block unless it is clear, except as provided by Rule 327, Rule 241, or Form L.
Rule 327
On two or more tracks where rule 251 is in effect or where Rule 261 is in effect: When authorized by the Train Dispatcher, the Block Operator may permit a train to enter a block at RESTRICTED SPEED behind a train a sufficient distance to clear a main track switch in order to proceed in the opposite direction.
Rule 409
Where speed controlled trains are operated with fixed automatic block or interlocking signals. (Except as affected by Rule 410 or Timetable special instruction)
Rule 410
Where speed controlled trains are operated without automatic block signals.