Verb Stems and Other Forms Flashcards
cease to, leave behind, let go
-aga -agana (rec.)
- take leave of, say goodbye - say goodbye to each other
-adhimisha (caus.)
celebrate, honor
-adhimisha (caus.)
celebrate, honor
tell, relate
trust, believe
-amkia -amkiana (rec.)
- to greet - greet each other
decide, arbitrate, judge
-andika -andikia (prep.) -andikwa (pass.)
- write, chronicle, inscribe - write for - be written
-angaza (caus.)
enlighten, shine, shed light upon
fall down
start, begin
to inform
-badili -badilika (stat.) -badilisha (caus.)
- change -be changed -make changes, change, alter
reach the age of puberty
-bana -banwa (pass.)
squeeze, press, pinch, bind be pressed, be squeezed, be bound
-bariki -barikiwa (pass)
- bless - be blessed
-batiza -batizwa (pass.)
baptize be baptized
be obliged
-boresha (caus.)
make good, improve
choose, select
make dirty, soil
contribute, collect (money), share in meeting expenses
be late
-chemsha (caus.)
cause to boil, boil
play, dance
to dig
be tired
scoop, draw (water)
be tired
scoop, draw (water)
dip, plunge into, put into (as in dipping ugali into juice)
-chukua -chukulia (prep.)
- carry, take - accommodate, consider it as
-chumbia -chumbisha
- to court a girl (LOL!) - to get engaged
look after, care for
-chungulia (prep.)
look through / into more deeply
claim legally, demand as a right, be owed
cheat, defraud, deceive
guess, imagine, think
despise, treat with contempt, insult
-elekea (prep.)
- go directly to, move towards
-elewa -elewana (rec.)
- understand, comprehend - understand one another
-elewa -jieleza (refl.)
understand, comprehend express oneself, explain oneself
-elimisha (caus.)
impart knowledge, educate
-enda -endea (prep.)
- go - go for (by, in), approach someone
-endelea -endeleza (caus.)
- move forward, continue - develop, make to progress, continue
-enea -eneza
spread cover the whole extent of
be of use, useful
explain, elaborate upon, reveal
sweep (with broom, brush)
know, be familiar with
-faidi -faidika (stat.)
- enjoy, benefit, profit - enjoy, be benefited
- be similar, resemble correspond
do, make
-fanya -fanikiwa (pass.)
-do, make -to prosper, succeed
die, pass away (for people, not animals and things)
succeed, obtain one’s wish
-fika -fikia
arrive arrive at, reach
die for a cause
-fiwa (pass.)
be bereaved by, be left behind by the deceased
wash clothes
-fuata -fuatana na (rec.) -fuatilia (prep.)
- follow - follow, come next - follow-up, pursue
teach, instruct
- close
-funga ndoa (idiom)
be married, marry (lit. close the marriage)
-fupisha (caus.)
make short, reduce, shorten
-furahia -furahisha (caus.)
- rejoice, feel extremely happy - make happy
-fungua -jifungua (refl.)
- open - give birth, bear
mow, cut grass or bush, destroy
distribute, divide
-geuza (caus.)
turn inside out, change
-goma -gomea (prep.)
boycott, strike boycott, strike
-gongana (rec.)
beat one another, be in conflict with
realize, discover, come to know
-gusa -gusia (prep.)
- touch - mention, touch upon
-halalisha (caus.) -halalishwa (pass.)
- make (it) legal, make official - be legal
-hama -hamia (prep.) -hamisha
- move, emigrate - move to - cause to move
be confused, troubled, worried
be confused, troubled, worried
mourn (with), pay a visit of condolence (to)
-harakisha (caus.)
- cause to hurry, hasten
-haribu -haribika (stat.)
- damage, ruin, impair, destroy, spoil - be spoiled, broken
-heshimu -heshimiana (rec.)
- to respect - respect each other
preserve, conserve
preach, proclaim
-hudumia (prep.)
- serve at, attend to
-hukumu -hukumia (prep.)
- judge, pass sentence - judge for
be closely concerned with, related to
sing, chant; twitter
-ingia -jiingiza (refl.)
- go in, enter - intrude, enter oneself into
-ishia (prep.)
end (somewhere)
-itwa (pass.)
be called
ripen, be ripe, mature
-ja -ijia (prep.)
- come - come for
-jadili -jadiliana (rec.)
- discuss, argue, debate - discuss with one another
mind, care about, be concerned with
try, do one’s best, attempt
-jenga -jijengea (refl.)
- build, construct - construct for oneself
-jibu -jibia (prep)
- answer - answer for
-jikunyata (refl.)
gather oneself together (hug oneself - a position of mourning)
sit, stay, remain, live
-kabidhiwa (prep. pass.)
be given to / for
face towards
-kamilisha (caus.) -jikamilisha (refl.) -kamilishana (rec.)
- complete, make whole - make oneself complete - complement each other, give mutual support
knead, massage
invite, welcome
repeat, recite, reiterate, rehearse, memorize
-kata -katalia (prep.) -kataza (caus.)
- refuse, decline, disagree, disavow, reject, deny, renounce - refuse, turn down -prohibit
-kasirika (stat.)
- be annoyed, become angry
-kawiza (caus.)
fasten, tighten, grip tightly
-keketwa (pass.)
be gnawed, bitten (also used for girl circumcision)
reprimand, warn
-kimbia -kimbilia (prep.)
- run, run away, escape - run for
-koma -komesha (caus.)
- cease, come to an end - stop, end
-kopesha (caus.) -kopeshwa (pass.)
- lend, loan - be lent, loaned
-kosa -kosana (rec.)
- make a mistake, do wrong, err - wrong one another, offend one another
accept, agree
grow, develop, mature
-kubali -kukubaliana (rec.)
- accept, agree - to agree with eachother
-kumbuka -kumbusha (caus.)
- remember - remind, cause to remember
condemn, curse
-lala -laza (caus.) -lazwa (pass.)
- sleep - put to bed, to lay down - be admitted
-lainisha (caus.)
- make smooth, soften
-laumia (prep.)
blame for
need to / have to
-lazimu -lazimisha (caus.) -lazimishwa (pass.)
-need to, have to - force, compel - be forced, be bound, be compelled
care for somebody, raise a child
-leta -letea (prep.)
- to bring - bring for/to, fetch, supply
-lewa (pass.)
be drunk
-lia -lilia (prep.) -jililia (refl.)
- cry - cry to (for, at) - bewail oneself, cry for oneself
cultivate, farm, work the fields
defend, protect, watch
-linganisha (caus.)
- compare
pay, compensate
finish, complete
-mezea mate (idiom)
desire, wish (lit. swallow spit)
possess, be owner, rule
be scattered, pour out, be spilled
irrigate, water a plant
wash (parts of the body - esp. hands, face)
-nunua -jinunulia (prep. refl.)
- buy, purchase - buy for oneself
smell (smell something)
excrete, defecate
suck, breast-feed, exploit
-oa -olewa (pass.)
- marry (for a man) - be married (for a woman)
bathe, take a bath / shower
-ogopa -ogofya (caus.)
- afraid - scare, frighten
-okoa -jiokoa (refl.) -okolewa (pass.)
- save, rescue, deliver - save oneself, rescue oneself - be saved, recued, delivered
- apply, request, beg
apply, request, beg
-ona -onekana (stat.) -onyesha (caus.)
- see - seem, appear, be apparent, be seen - show, point out, make clear
- remove, take away
-ondolea (prep.)
- remove for
-onea huruma (vb. idiom)
sympathize with someone
talk, speak
-ongoza -ongozwa (pass.)
direct, lead be directed, be led
taste, sample
was (things, body parts)
-pa -pewa (pass.) -peana (rec.)
- give - be given, be entrusted with - give to one another, exchange
plant, sow, set in the ground; climb
arrange, plan
-panga nyumba (vb. phrase)
rent a house
be obliged
-pata -patia (prep.) -patikana (rec.)
- get, obtain, receive - get for, get up to, attain (to) - be available, be obtainable
-pata elimu (vb. phrase)
to get education
-patanisha (caus.)
reconcile, cause to be reconciled
-paza (caus.)
- rise up
send, transmit, convey, carry
-penda -pendelea (prep.) -pendeza (caus.)
- like, love - prefer -please, make happy
hit, beat
-piga kelele
make noise
-piga mswaki
brush teeth
-pika -pikia (prep.)
- to cook - cook for
examine, survey, measure, test (as in medical testing)
object, disagree
pass, go on, surpass, exceed
-pokea -pokelea (prep.)
- receive, meet/welcome somebody - receive for
get well (from sickness)
- ask in marriage, propose a marriage
be lost, disappear
-rahisisha (caus.)
make easy; facilitate; simplify
-refusha (caus.)
make long, extend, lengthen
-rekebisha (caus.)
adjust, improve, correct, alter
-ridrnhika (stat.)
-be satisfied
-rudia (prep.)
return for
-rudisha (caus.)
give back, send back, return
-ruhusiwa (pass.)
be permitted, allowed
give permission, allow
give permission, allow
fly, jump, hop
-rukia (prep.)
fly over, jump over
-sababisha (caus.)
cause, make happen
travel, go on a safari, journey
travel, go on a safari, journey
-safisha (caus.)
to make clean
help, assist, support
-saidia -jisaidia (refl.)
- help, assist, support - go to the toilet (lit. help oneself)
-saidiwa (pass.)
be assisted, be helped
pray, worship
to greet
to greet
forgive, pardon
-samehea (prep.)
forgive in/at/for(?) i.e. Nimemsamehe adui yangu. I have forgiven my enemy. Nimemsamehea kanisani makosa. I have forgiven his sins in church.
-sawazisha (caus.)
make level, smooth, make equal
speak, say
-shangaa -shangalia (prep.)
- be astonished, be surprised - shout with joy, congratulate
advise, counsel
seduce, bewitch
satisfied, be full
win, succeed, spend a whole day (?)
-shindwa (pass.)
accuse, charge
be grateful, thankful
-shunghulikia (prep.)
be busy with
beg humbly, beseech, entreat, supplicate
-sikia -jisikia (refl.)
- hear - feel, sense
listen, pay attention, hear
listen pay attention, hear
to grieve, feel sorrow
-sikitisha (caus.)
make sorry, cause grief, feel regret (?)
- stand, rise up
stand, rise up
narrate, report, tell a story
insist, emphasize
-somea (prep.)
read for
-somesha (caus.)
-someshea (caus./prep.)
to provide for teaching
rest, enjoy
merit, deserve, be proper
-starehea (prep.)
be comfortable with
to wait
to reconcile
disturb, annoy
-sumbuliwa (pass.)
be annoyed, troubled
be in distress, be in a crisis, struggle
look for
look for
-taka -takiwa (pass.)
- to want - to be wanted, be required
desire, wish
-tambua -tambulika (stat.) -jitambua (refl.) -jitambulisha (refl. caus.)
- recall, recognize, realize - to be known - recognize, understand oneself -identify, introduce oneself
-tambulisha (caus.)
introduce, make known
go before, go first, precede
govern, administer, rule
-tayarisha (caus.)
-tegemea -tegemeana (rec.) -jitegemea (refl.)
- depend on, depend upon - depend on each other, rely on one another - be self supporting, be independent
hold spell bound
visit, walk with
-tenda -tendewa (pass.)
- act, do, practice - be given treatment
separate, isolate
-tengana (rec.)
separate from
-tesa (caus.)
cause trouble, afflict
-teseka (stat.)
suffer, be harassed, be troubled
-teswa (pass.)
be troubled, afflicted, tortured
-tibiwa (pass.)
be treated, be attended medically
be complete, perfect, accomplished
-timiza (caus.)
make complete, fulfill
frighten, terrify, threaten
-toa -jitolea (refl.)
-offer - offer oneself too, volunteer oneself.
give, offer
-toa chai (idiom)
pay a bribe
-tofautiana (rec.)
vary, differ (from one another)
-toka -jitoa (refl.) -jitokeza (caus. refl.)
- come from, leave - remove oneself - appear, come about, happen
result from
escape, run away
enough, sufficient
-tosheleza (caus.)
satisfy, cause to be sufficient
-tubia (prep.)
repent, be penitent, confess
send, dispatch
spend, use
-tumika (stat.)
be used
treat with care, protect, take care
-tumikia (prep.)
serve, wait-upon, (also “be used for”?)
take, pick up
-twalia (prep.)
take up for
to kill
-uawa (pass.)
be killed
become sick, be ailing, wail, groan
-uliza -jiuliza (refl.)
ask ask oneself
-uliza -jiuliza (refl.)
- ask, question, interrogate - ask oneself
ask, question, interrogate
create, make
-umbwa (pass.)
be created
be hurt, be injured
be sick
-unga -jiunga (refl.)
join join oneself with, unite with
-unga mkono (idiom)
support, lend support to
-unganisha (caus.)
join, merge, link
put on, dress-up
to fish
-vunjika moyo (idiom)
to despair
pull, drag, influence, attract; smoke (a cigar)
pull, drag, influence, attract; smoke
be on time, or before time
light, ignite, start fire
put, place
-wekea (prep.)
put for, put on behalf of
be able, have strength, be capable
-wezesha (caus.)
enable, empower
-zaa -zaliwa (pass.) -zalisha (caus.)
- procreate, give birth (used for both men and women - “jifungua” used only for women) - be born -cause to produce, deliver
fill up a hole, opening of any sort
commit adultery, fornicate
pick up something, gather up something
become used to, familiar
stop, restrain, prevent, obstruct
converse, talk, speak, discourse
-zungumzwa (pass.)
be spoken about
-zungusha (caus.)
cause to go around, encircle
chukua tahadhari (idiom)
be aware
chungulia kaburi (idiom)
preparing to die
kata tamaa (idiom)
give up, become discouraged
kaza kamba (idiom)
push oneself
kuna (irregular verb)
there is… / there are….
kutia maanani (vb. phrase)
put into consideration
ni (irregular verb)
is / are
kutokana na (vb. phrase)
result from, be caused by
pa pole (vb. phrase)
give condolences, express sympathy
rise, ascend
pata hasara (vb. phrase)
experience loss
pata mimba (vb. phrase)
to get pregnant
piga kambi (idiom)
pitch a tent
piga pasi (expression)
iron clothes
piga uvivu (idiom)
remain jobless (lit. make laziness)
si (irreg. verb)
tia moyo (vb. idiom)
wasiliana (rec.)
communicate with each other
- zeeka
- become old, age