Verb Conjugation (どうしのかつよう) Flashcards
◯ちゃいけません «ていねいご»
◯ちゃいけない «タメ口»
◯ちゃダメ «タメ口»
(verb in て form)
◯じゃいけません «ていねいご»
◯じゃいけない «タメ口»
◯じゃダメ «タメ口»
(verb in て form but special で ending)
must not do ◯
◯ませんか «ていねいご»
(verb in ません form)+か
would you like to ◯?; do you want to ◯?; shall we ◯?
literal: shouldn’t [we/you] ◯?
◯ましょう «ていねいご»
(verb in ます form minus す)
◯でしょう «ていねいご»
◯よう «タメ口»
(verb in dictionary form)
Presumptive / Volitional
• Generally used to express probability, belief or intention.
“will probably ◯”
• Can also be used to express intention
“let’s ◯”
(verb in ましょう form)+か
shall I ◯?
used to offer help to the listener
A ないで B
(verb in ない form)+で
without doing ◯
To do B without doing A
If no action follows ないで, it turns into a request.
(See: ◯ないでください)
(verb in て form)
[verb in nai form] +で +ください
[verb in nai form] +で
please do ◯
do ◯
please don’t do ◯
don’t do ◯
◯ないといけません ◯ないといけない ◯ないと [verb in nai form] +と +いけません [verb in nai form] +と +いけない [verb in nai form] +と
must do ◯; have an obligation to do ◯
literal: shouldn’t NOT do ◯
[verb in naku form] +ても +いい
[verb in naku form] +て +いい
don’t have to ◯; indicates permission to not do ◯
literal: it’s OK to not do ◯
[verb in naku form] +ちゃ
must do ◯; need to ◯; gotta do ◯ (casual)
[verb in te form] +は +いけません
[verb in te form] +は +いけない
[verb in naku form] +ては +いけません
[verb in naku form] +ては +いけない
must not ◯; may not ◯; cannot ◯
literal: shouldn’t do ◯
have to do ◯; need to do ◯
literal: shouldn’t NOT do ◯
Similar to ◯なくてはならない
[verb in naku form] +ては +なりません
[verb in naku form] +ては +ならない
have to do ◯; need to do ◯
literal: mustn’t NOT do ◯
Similar to ◯なくてはいけない
to go to do ◯
to decide on ◯; to choose ◯
literal: doing ◯
[verb in ta form] +こと +が +あります
[verb in ta form] +こと +が +ある
to have ◯ before
literal: I possess / have the matter of ◯
[verb in ta form] +こと +が +ありません
[verb in ta form] +こと +が +ない
to have not ◯ before
literal: I do not possess / have the matter of ◯
want to do ◯
wanted to do ◯
do not want to do ◯
did not want to do ◯
[verb in te form] +あります
[verb in te form] +ある
Something is intentionally done and you can see the resulting state of that action.
It is similar to using past tense form, but different in that it places emphasis on the action being done intentionally and the end result still being visible.
『ドアが開けてある。』 (doa ga akete aru.)
“The door has been left open (intentionally).”
In this case, it’s a bit more clear that the focus is on the end result. Not on the action of opening the door, but that the door has been left open.
[verb in te form] +ありました
[verb in te form] +あった
Something WAS intentionally done / prepared and you can see the resulting state.
It is similar to using past tense form, but different in that it places emphasis on the action being done intentionally and the end result still being visible.
『保存してあったファイルが消えてしまった。』 (hozon shite atta fairu ga kiete shimatta.)
“The file I had saved (prepared) was deleted.”
This case focuses on the preparation that was done; the file was already saved and prepared.
[verb in te form] +います
[verb in te form] +いる
• currently doing; ongoing action or current state
見る (miru) to look; to watch
見ている (mite iru) looking; watching; seeing
• continuously doing until now
『先生の話を聞いているの?』 (sensei no hanashi o kiite iru no?)
“Have you been listening to what the teacher is saying?”
『5年間日本語を勉強しています。』 (go nenkan nihongo o benkyou shite imasu.)
“I have been studying Japanese for 5 years.”
• what you are doing now in general, not at just this particular moment.
『面白い本を読んでいる。』 (omoshiroi hon o yonde iru.)
“I am reading (currently or in general) an interesting book.”
• habitual / frequent actions
『いつも自転車で通勤している。』 (itsumo jitensha de tsukin shite iru.)
“I always commute by bicycle.”
• current state of something, what something looks like, or that something was left in a certain state.
『彼はお父さんと似ている。』 (kare wa otou-san to nite iru.)
“He looks (seems) like his father.”
[verb in te form] +いません
[verb in te form] +いない
• not currently doing; ongoing action or current state
『宿題をやっていない。』 (shukudai o yatte inai.)
“Currently not doing homework.”
[verb in te form] +から
after doing ◯
◯てもいいです ◯てもいい [verb in te form] +も +いい +です [い adjective in kute form] +も +いい +です [な adjective] +でも +いい +です [noun] +でも +いい +です
it’s OK to ◯; it’s alright to ◯; you may ◯
with か or ?: is it OK to ◯?; is it alright to ◯?; may I ◯?
[verb] +つもり +は +ありません
[verb] +つもり +は +ない
plan to ◯; intend to ◯
don’t plan to ◯; don’t intend to ◯