Venus in Virgo in the 10th house (How and where you connect) Flashcards
Your Venus is in Virgo
Venus is a planet concerned with connection, attraction, loveliness, and unmitigated enjoyment of life’s social and sensory pleasures. Virgo, on the other hand, is the most analytical of zodiac signs, expertly fine-tooth combing precise details and pruning away the superfluous. Venus in Virgo is tasked with both finding and expressing beauty using fastidious, clear-cut editorial prowess. The meticulous stylings and painstaking tools of Virgo demand quite a lot from Venus, and often in ways that Venus doesn’t exactly adore. However, the trials that Venus faces while in Virgo’s territory can result in deepening, broadening, and clarifying the concept of “beauty,” going far beyond conventional takes and unveiling a hyper-refined approach to the innate perfection hiding within existence.
In the 10th house of career and public roles
You’ve analyzed the pros and cons of a wide array of possible career choices, with many hours already spend sifting, sorting, and ultimately dismissing most of those options. There’s a good chance that hiding beneath this aptitude for preemptively assessing your compatibility with a given career lies a pernicious insecurity about what you’re “good enough” to do. However, a broadly skilled and experienced jack of all trades is just as impressive as someone who has developed a single area of expertise. Deliberately making room for multiplicity in your work life can help you feel less shame about following your ever-changing dreams; certainly, the numerous friendships and networks you form along the way will help you success at striking the moving target. Even better, a flexible and diverse skill set can help you make career choices that support your physical well-being as well as your ambitions.
Sun sextile Venus
You’re bold with a dash of easy going charm that puts folks at ease at even the most awkward of networking events. Adept at winning folks over in the professional sphere, you’ve got a wide network and easily make friends. Do they want to be you or be friends with you? Hard to say, but it usually works in your favor.
Ascendent square Venus
Attention isn’t hard to attract, though it might come with a bit of backlash. Beautiful things are never lacking in your life. Pleasure and prosperity are a top priority, but can also clash with some other preconceived notion that you have about hard work and sacrifice. You need both effort and release to live a meaningful life, but they don’t need to be at odds.
Mercury sextile Venus
You radiate charm and natural artistic expression that draws people in and makes you the center of attention in any room. You’re known for connecting people and creating conversations. Whether or not you’re comfortable being in the spotlight, your style, grace, and eloquence speak for themselves. Set boundaries so you have time to nurture yourself and your creativity.
Jupiter sextile Venus
You’re the illuminating presence on the stage, the most magnetic person, in the room, but you already know that. Sought after and sought out for your arm affability and teaching prowess, and quite possibly expertise in a field related to beauty, art, or culture, you make friends everywhere you go.
MC conjunct Venus
With Venus zhuzhing affairs at the top of your chart, you gravitate toward roles that pitch art pleasure, or human connection at their center. Of all the planets, Venus is known for its aesthetic instincts, positioning you to thrive as a designer, photographer, poet, or musician or anyone else who requires a virtuosic “eye,” or “ear.” Equally, you might find gratification as a body-worker, helping others feel physically relaxed, supple and at home in their anatomy. Venus also presides over the impulse to join-together, making you a natural mediator, couples therapist, or anyone inspired to soften the hard edges of our separateness to forge a common path. Your job is to ice the cake, to bestow the crowning cherry, to tool your belt with frills and slippery. Mere utility won’t cut it- not without a steady drip of style, joy, and pleasure.
Saturn square Venus
No one can deny how obviously talented you are, but you probably convince yourself somewhere along the way that by the time your gifts are ready for their public reveal, they’re already no longer good enough. The labor you put into cultivating your craft speaks for itself, but also what if it also serves to justify your willingness to give yourself the credit you deserve?
Pluto square Venus
You have powerful instincts when it comes to working a room, and your social smarts are, in some ways, a subtle power play that supports your ambitions. Assuming the role of a rose in society implies the existence of thorns, which can either protect you or ensnare you in the role that you’re playing. Honestly, you like that they do both.