Venue and forum non conveniens Flashcards
what is forum
the sovereign in whose court the case is adjudicated
US courts=forum
SC State court=forum
what is venue
the location within that sovereigns court system where the case can proceed
ie the location within the forum
Venue is usually county by county in state
what is the forum state
For personal jurisdiction purposes, the state where the federal court that adjudicates the case sits.
what is the transfer of venue
The reassignment of a federal case from one district to another where venue and personal jurisdiction are proper.
who is the Transferor Court
The court that decides whether to transfer the case.
who is theTransferee Court
The court that receives the transferred case.
what is Forum Non Conveniens Dismissal
Dismissal of the case from the federal court system entirely, due to extreme inconvenience for one or more defendants.
what are us and state courts - fourm or venue
what question does venue answer
which specifc courthouse (ie district) must you file your complaint
what are the options of where you can lay venue via rule1391(b)
(b)(1) – in the judicial district in which any defendant resides, IF all defendants reside in the same state OR
(b)(2) – A SUBSTANTIAL part of the events or omissions on which the claim is based occured OR
(b)(3) – in the judicial district in which any defendant is subject to pj (THIS IS ONLY TO BE USED AS A LAST RESORT)
What does rule 1391(d) govern in terms of venue
tells us what to do when there are multiple distticts in a case AND the D is a corporation
tells us that the corporation will be deemed to reside in any district in the state in which its contacts would be enough under PJ as if it were its own state
whats the two step analysis we have to do under 1391(d) if it applies (ie in a state that has more than one district and the D is a business)
ex: you are a bussiness being sued in CA
- In PJ portion of exam, tell him whether there is PJ over the D in CA
- Then, for the purpose of venue, if the D is a corporation and we are in a state like CA, in order to figure out venue based on resided, we have to do ANOTHER pj analysis
You have to carve out the central district of CA and hypothetically assume that were its own state, and you determine where the corp would be subject to PJ in that hypo state you carved out
reasor hill take away:
Planters filed suit to collect an account for having sprayed insecticide on Bartons cotton crop in MISSOURI
In his answer, Barton said that Planters had damaged his growing crop (real property?) by using an adulterated insecticide, and in a CROSS COMPLAINT, he sought damages from Reasor hill for negligence in putting the spray on the market
Reasor hills is an ARKANSAS corporation engaged in manufacturing insecticides and is NOT authorized to do business in MISSOURI
Reasor is asking the court to not allow the circut court of MISSOURI to take jurisdiction over the cross compliant filed by Barton
May the Arkansas courts entertain suit for injuries to real property situated in another state?
Case gets ride of the local v transitory distinction
Transitory- a case that might have arisen anywhere
Local- a case that involved a particular piece of land
An Arkansas court may hear a suit for injuries to real property that is located in another state.
Bates v. C&S Adjusters key takeaway (b(2) - substantial
Bates sued c and s because he alleged that they violated the fair debt and collection practices act
Bates incurred the debt while he was in PA, and the creditor, with it principle place of location in PA referred c and s to serve bates
When they mailed the collection notice to bates address in PA, bates had already moved to NY, and because there wasn’t a restriction about not forwarding the notice, the postal service mailed it to bates at his NY residence
Bates commenced this action in the western district of new York
C and s appealed the complaint filed in new York because of improper venue
Whether venue exists in a district in which the debtor resides and to which a bill collector’s demand for payment was forwarded
Was bates claim in Ny valid or should it have been filed in PA
in an action brought under the fair debt collection practices act, venue exists in a district in which the debtor resides and to which a collection agency’s demand for payment was forwarded
Debt incurred in PA, creditor in PA, P MOVES to NY
Receipt of the letter is enough, and intent is NOT a factor here
Jenkins Brick Co. v. Bremer key takeaway
Jenkins filed suit in the us district court for the middle district of ALABAMA
Bremmer moved to dismiss the case for lack of venue, or alternatively, to transfer the case to the US district court for the southern district of Georgia
The district court transferred the case to GA
How should the court interpret subsection 2 of the statue governing venue in diversity case
Strict application of b2
only those events that have a close nexus to the alleged wrong are relevant in determining proper venue
what is forum non convenius
a common law doctrine to handle situations in which the P has laid proper venue, but an alternaive forum exssits that is a better place to hear the lawsuit
what does 1404 allow courts to do generally
allows transfer to another proper venue for the CONVIENCE of parties and witnesses or the INTEREST OF JUSTICE
what does 1404a do (ie transger of venue)
allows transfer to any venue that all parties consent to
what do we consider with inconvience in terms of venue transfer
depends on accessibly and availability of witnesses and evidence, not so much the parties in the suit
whats the difference between a regular venue transfer bc of inconvience vs forum non convenins
with forum non conveniuns it results in dismissal (applies where fed courts have no authoirty to move case where it belongs ie forigen courts)
what are the gilbert factors courts consider for forum non convenius (ie inconvience that results in a dismissal or transfer)
first – understand these are applied with a presunption in favor for P’s choice of venue
Priviate intersts factors of the indiviudals – the parties residence, acess to proof, ect
Public interst factors – the distribution of cases, the courts familarity with the law
Piper air craft key takeaway
In 1976, a plane made by Piper Aircraft Co. and Hartzell Propeller, Inc. crashed in Scotland, killing all on board. Gaynell Reyno, who was in charge of the passengers’ estates, sued Piper and Hartzell in California because the laws there were more helpful to her case. The case was moved to Pennsylvania, where Piper and Hartzell tried to get it dismissed because they thought it would be easier to have the case in Scotland.
The question is whether a person can stop a case from being moved just by showing that the laws in the new place are less helpful to them
A person can’t stop a case from being moved to a different place (called a ‘motion to dismiss on grounds of forum non conveniens’) just by showing that the laws in the new place are less helpful to them than the laws in the current place.
what are the steps for forum non convenius used in the piper case and what were the gilbert factors in piper
Step One - ID some foreign country where the case should go forward - so here its somewhere in the UK
If you cant do even this, then you cant dismiss even if inconvenient
Step two- presumption in favor of P for choice in light of gilbert factors
private – fewer evidence problems would be posed if the trial were held in scottland
public- the amercian court interst in the accident was not sufficent to jusity the judical commitment on american courts
what does 1404(a) say about transfer of venue?
(a) - ‘may’ = discretionary; judge doesn’t have to grant transfer; this discretion can be abused though
Same factors as gilbert, but its applied looser
Is there any limitation on who can move to transfer venue? who must consent to the transfer of venue
No! P or D can do it
P and D both have to consent to the transfer
what is the 1406(a) suitcase rule?
ie cure or waiver of defects
This is when improper venue was laid
Court only has two choices here and it MUST choose one or the other
‘Shall dismiss’ - obligatory; court does not have descrtion – it must dismiss the case OR if its in the interest of justice NOT CONVINCE, it must place the case in the proper venue
atlantic martine construction – venue transfers and dismissals key takeaway – how did they apply the gilbert factors?
Atlantic Marine Construction Co. and J-Crew Management, Inc. made a contract to build a child-development center. They agreed that if they had any disagreements, they would solve them in a specific court in Virginia. But when J-Crew had a problem with Atlantic about payment, they sued them in a different court in Texas. Atlantic wanted the case to be moved to Virginia, but the Texas court said no.
issue: If people have agreed on a specific place to solve their disagreements in their contract, should the case be moved to that place unless there are very special reasons not related to what is easy for the people involved?
you USUSALLY cant contract around 1391 (venue)
When people agree on a specific place to solve their disagreements in their contract, the case should be moved to that place. This should happen unless there are very special reasons not related to what is easy for the people involved.
The forum selection clause isnt irrelevant though
The clause may be enforced through a motion to transfer under 1404!
Private interest is substantial via the forum selection clause
Parties interest factor – is keeping the case here gonna inconvenience one party?
Via the forum selection clause, the pirates AGREED that it would be inconvenient anywhere else OTHER than wher the forum selection clause said it would be!
Public interest factors – still considered
Don’t do much to outweigh private interest via forum selection clause