Vent/Perfusion Flashcards
What is the equation for minute alveolar ventilation?
VA= (Vt-VD) x f
What is the equation for Total Lung Ventilation?
The cause of elevated PaCO2
Alveolar Hypoventilation “retaining CO2”
Causes a decreased PaCO2
alveolar hyperventilation “blowing off CO2”
What is Deadspace Volume (VD)?
Volume of inspired air that does not participate in gas exchange
Volume of air in the conducting airways is…
Anatomic deadspace
In normal adults the deadspace is ______ /______ of the predicted body weight.
Formula for predicted body weight.
Male and Female
106+6(height-60) (Male)
105+5(height-60) (female)
Volume of gas that does not participate in gas exchange is
Alveolar deadspace
List 4 causes of alveolar deadspace.
No blood flow to alveoli (pulmonary embolism)
Decrease in cardiac output
Low blood flow to certain area (plaque)
Over inflated alveoli
What is the sum of alveolar deadspace and Anatomic deadspace called…
Physiologic deadspace
Mechanical deadspace is …
The volume of rebreathed gas added by equipment.
Deadspace to Tidal Volume Ratio (VD/VT)
Representative of effective ventilation.
VD/VT= (PaCO2-PECO2) / (PaCO2)
What is the normal range for VD/VT?
.20 -.40
Zone with no blood flow (non-dependent)
Zone I