Vehicle Extrication Flashcards
What’s the difference between manually and powered hydraulics?
Manually is hand powered and powered uses hydronic fluids through high pressure hoses
What are two ways rescue tools can be operated?
Manually or hydraulic
Can potable or carried tools be minted on a vehicle and powered by a hose reel line
What are the 4 types of powered hydraulic tools?
Extension rams
What was the first tool a available to fore and rescue?
Power spreaders
Spreaders are used for what?
Pushing and pulling
Produces tons of force spreads 32 inches
Shears are used for what?
Tons of cutting force
Combination are used for what?
Pulling and pushing
Capabilities are less
Extension rams are used for what?
Primarily pushing
Closed it’s 3 ft open 5 ft
Tons of pushing force
Closing force is half that of the opening
What are two types of manual hydraulic tools?
Porta power
Hydraulic jack
Both are more time consuming
Hydraulic jacks are used for what?
Heavy lifting for shoring and stabilization lifts 20 tons
What is cribbing
Most common method for stabilizing objects
Wood and plastic
Common sizes 2x4 4x4 6x6
Why is plastic better than solid wood?
Doesn’t absorb fuel and oil and lasts longer
What are pneumatic tools?
Compressed air tools
Such as air chisels, air hammers, impact hammers
90- 250psi
Three most common drives for winches
Power take off
Come alongs sizes
1 to 10 tons