Vedic ritual and theology Flashcards
What are the two types of hindu scripture?
Shruti- that which is heard, the vedas. Smitri- that which is remembered, the Mahabharata, Ramayana etc.
What are the Upanishads?
They consider the nature of the Brahman and atman and contain the earliest reference to reincarnation.
Describe the history of the vedas
Believed to have come from god and were brought to India by the Aryans. The oldest is the rig veda 1500BCE.
What is contained within the vedas?
The mantras, hymns, prayers and rituals which are addressed to gods such as Agni and Indra. Mantras are supplemented by texts regarding rituals and theology.
What is the rig veda?
Most important veda, 1038 hymns dedicated to 33 different gods.
What is the sama veda?
Collection of songs used in sacrifices/worships, it contains information on how hymns are to be performed and pronounced.
What is the yajur veda?
Sacrificial formulas used by priests. Performing the rituals in the right way was seen as more important then the ceremony itself.
What is the artharva veda?
Spells and charms, thought to show the influence of the Indus Valley people.
What are the four sections of the vedas?
- Samhitas- mantra and hymns. 2. Brahmanas- prose explaining hymns. 3. Aranyakas- meditations. 4. Upanishads- mystical and philosophical.
Give more information about the Upanishads
Upanishad means sitting near, referring to tutorials given by gurus. They contain key concepts such as reincarnation, Brahman, karma and liberation.
What are the Vedanta sutras?
An attempt by hindu sage vyasa to systemize the teachings of the Upanishads. They contain 550 aphorisms and led to the creation of Vedanta schools.
What is Vedanta?
One of the 6 hindu philosophical schools, it focuses on the Upanishads and includes the advaita Vedanta of sankara and vishishaadvaita Vedanta of ramanuja.
Describe Indra
Most important Vedic god, 250 hymns are dedicated to him, he is the god of war who I crushed enemies. He rides on a golden chariot with a white elephant and carries a thunderbolt.
Describe Agni
The god of fire with a pot belly and two heads. He is the sacrificial postman who brings sacrifices to the intended gods. He is the divine priest who destroys darkness.
Describe Varuna
The maintainer of rta, he is the law giver who punishes the sinful and has many spies in the form of the stars.
Describe soma
Has a whole book dedicated to him, he takes the form of an embryo, a celestial bull and the lord of plants. He rides through the sky on a chariot pulled by white horses. His name came from the elixir of immortality that only the gods can drink.
What is the traditional Vedic ritual?
Yajna fire sacrifice, it was performed to please the gods who would bring benefits such as a good harvest.
Describe yajna
Priest would conduct the ritual is public whilst people should give offerings to the fire containing medha, the more you wanted, to more you would give. It centered around the sacrifice of personal desires and self centeredness.
Give three ways yajna changed
- Role of the priest became more important, he was worshiped. 2. More emphasis on the correct recital of the mantras. 3. Elements of the sacrifice became deified such as soma.
What is rta?
Cosmic order which all are subject to. It is the eternal order, Varuna tells us how to behave and he is subject to rta too.
How does the rta cycle work?
Humans make a sacrifice which Agni takes to the gods, this energizes them, allowing them to perform their function- protecting rta. This sustains rta so the cycle can continue.
What is the strauta rite?
Elaborate ritual conducted by Vedic priests, offerings such as ghee and flowers would be given to the gods.
What is the grihua rite?
Domestic rite performed by a householder male and his patni
What is havan?
Fire ritual, offerings such as ghee are burned, it is a symbolic communication with the deity. It used to involve animal sacrifices, but has become more simplified.
What is a kunda?
A fire container made to specific dimensions according to the ceremony. Offerings are placed in it and it acts as a postal system.