VDF, ADF & NDB Flashcards
What is DF/RDF?
Direction Finding, or Radio Direction Finding, is the measurement of the direction from which a received signal was transmitted.
Define Radio Bearing
The angle between the apparent direction of a definite source of emission of radio waves and a reference direction, as determined at DF station.
What is a True Radio Bearing?
A radio bearing for which the reference direction is True North.
What is a Magnetic Radio Bearing?
A radio bearing for which the reference direction is Magnetic North.
What are the classes of tolerance for Direction Finding (DF)?
Class A : +/- 2 Degrees
Class B : +/- 5 Degrees
Class C : +/- 10 Degrees
Class D : Worse than C
What is QTE?
The TRUE bearing of an aircraft in relation to the DF station or other specified point.
What is QDR?
The MAGNETIC bearing of an aircraft in relation to the DF station or other specified point.
What is QDM?
The MAGNETIC HEADING to steer, with no wind, to head for the DF station or other specified point (aka Homing).
How can pilots establish their approximate position?
What radio band does the ADF work in?
300kHz to 3MHz
What is an NDB?
Non-Directional Beacon
What is the equipment used in an Automated Direction Finder?
RBI - Relative Bearing Indicator (In the Aircraft)
ADF Loop
Ground Based Transmitter - NDB Non Directional Beacon
What is an RMI?
Radio Magnetic Indicator
What does an RMI show?
A QDM superimposed onto a compass rose to a station.
Ie The heading to steer towards a station.
What is an RBI?
Relative Bearing Indicator