VBT ,isomerism and CFT Flashcards
Magnetic moment
outer orbital complex, high spin, spin free
inner orbital complex, spin paired, low spin
spectrochemical series
I- < Br-1 < SCN-1 < Cl-1 < S2- < NO3- < F- < OH- < C2O4 2- < H20 < NCS- < EDTA 4- < CH3CN < py < NH3 < en < dipy < NO2- < CN- < CO
sq. planner : dx2-y2 + s + px + py
linnear : pz + dz2
sp2 : triangular
dz2 + pz : linear
pentagonal planner: s + px + py + dxy + dx2-y2
linear : pz + dz2
dsp2(square planner)
[Co(C2O4)3]3- and [Co(H2O)6]3+
d2sp3 strong field ligand
4d and 5d series
all ligand act as strong field ligand
Pt2+ , Pd2+ , Au3+
square planner complex (inner)
structural isomerism
- linkage
- ionisation
- hydrate
- coordination
meridinal and facial
90 and 180
cis and trans
neutral ligand are treated (CFT)
as point dipoles
force b/w ligand and central atom (CFT)
point of split (CFT)
octahedral dxy dyz dzx (CFT)
octahedral dx2-y2 ,dz2 (CFT)
crystal field splitting
- strength of ligand
- oxidation state
- 3d < 4d < 5d
- geometry (sq. planer > octahedral > tetrahedral)
CFSE (octahedral)
nt2g(-0.4) + neg(+0.6) + n(pi)
tetrahedral (CFT) t2g
tetrahedral (CFT) eg
CFSE for tetrahedral
t2g(+0.4) + eg(-0.6) + n(pi)
square planner order (CFT)
dx2-y2 > dxy > dz2 > dzx = dyz
delta t, s , o (CFT)
delta s * 3/4 = delta o = delta t * 9/4
embreld and ruby
e: green - Cr3+
r: red - Cr3+
d0 colourless
Sc3+ , Ti4+
d10 colourless
Zn2+ , Cu+
Example of compounds having colour due to ligand metal charge transfer
KMnO4 (deep pink)
K2Cr2O7 (orange)
HOMO - LUMO transition is the reason for colour in
Reason for colour is
- d-d transition
- HOMO-LUMO transition
- ligand metal charge transfer
stability of coordination compound
- strength of ligand
- charge density on central atom
- chelation
complimentary colours (CFT)
V - Y
B - O
G - R