VBAC and C Section Lecture Powerpoint Flashcards
Reasons for rising rate (4)
- almost 1/2 of pregnant women are nullipara, increasing risk of requiring c section
- older women having children
- breech presentation
- litigation
Labor inductions do NOT increase rates of…
….c section
Absolute indications for c section (5)
- significant abruption of placenta (complete abruption baby is dead)
- hemorrhage from placenta previa
- prolapse of umbilical cord
- active genital herpes infection
- impending maternal death
Complications of c section are up to __% of patients
8% (this is actually close to being on par with vaginal birth as well
C section complications (7)
- hemorrhage requiring transfusion
- endometriosis
- wound infection
- operative injury
- aspiration under anesthesia
- thrombophlebitis and PE
Indications for cesarean delivery (8)
- repeat
- dystochia** (most common)
- breech
- distress
- cord prolapse
- transverse lie
- abruption
- placenta previa
Types of cesarean sections (4) and rupture rate
- classical (10%) (rarely done anymore)
- T shaped (10%)
- low vertical (7%)
- low transverse (1.5%) (much lower risk!)
Trial of Labor after C-section, Vaginal Birth after C-section
Contraindications to VBAC (2)
- Previous classical uterine incision
- suspected macrosomia in diabetic patient
Candidates for VBAC (4)
- one prior low transverse c section if there were previous vaginal births
- women with 2 low transverse c sections if successful vaginal birth prior to first
- clinically adequate pelvis
- availability of obstetritian and team for emergency c section
Uterine rupture
Partial or complete rupturing of previously sealed uterus, diagnosed via sudden severe fetal heart rate deceleration and bradycardia, abdominal pain, loss of station of presenting part of baby, shoulder or chest pain
Uterine rupture prognosis
- 50-75% mortality rate of fetus
- seldom fatal to mother
- 20% of mothers will require hysterectomy to control hemorrhage
Elective cesarean section principles
-mortality and morbidity is near identical to vaginal, vaginal is responsible for urinary incontinence, rectal incontinence, uterine prolapse, etc., it avoids painful labor, it can be scheduled, slighlty statistical higher iq compared to vaginal
___ doubled in subsequent pregnancy delivered by c section
Placenta previa
____ increased in pregnancies after one cesarean section
unexplained stillbirth
Risks for infant in c section (1)
-incision of the fetus upon uterine opening (1/100 chance)
Objective benefits of C section (4)
- protection of the pelvic floor
- avoidance of emergency cesarean
- spare fetus risk of dystocia
- slightly safer to be born via repeat cesarean for infant mortality rates
Ethical principle of healthcare providers to tell truth to the patient about risk and benefits of any procedure/drug in order for them to make the best decision for themselves
Is it ethically necessary to initiate discussion regarding the relative risks and benefits of elective c section birth in every pregnant patient?
No, unless they ask