V.B1 Flashcards
Eres demasiado pesimista
Yo are too pessimistic
Tienes suficiente dinero?
Do you have enought money?
Show it to me
Dónde estabas cuando ocurrió?
Where were you when it happened?
Son casi tan altos como yo.
They’re almost as tall as I am.
Sabes escribir una carta comercial?
Do you know how to write a business letter?
Me canso fácilmente
I get tired easily.
Bring it to me
Esto es mucho mejor
This is much better
Hay mucho errores pequeños
There are a lot of small mistakes.
Hazlo así.
Do it like this.
Siempre le llevan en coche.
They always take him by car.
Sabes dónde viven?
Do you know where they live?
No dejes tus cosas aquí.
Don’t leave your things here.
Déjame intentarlo.
Let me try.
Vas a tener muchos problemas.
You’re going to have a lot of problems.
Se marcharon.
They left.
Creo que va a llover.
I think it’s going to rain.
Me alegro de saber que estás bien.
I’m glad to know you’re well.
Qué te ocurrió?
What happened to you?
No me encuentro bien.
I don’t feel well.
Qué sabe él acerca de mi?
What does he know about me?
Tienes que hacerlo de esta forma.
You have to do it his way.
Si no haces un esfuerzo, no ganarás.
If you don’t make an effort, you won’t win.
Puedes venir con nosotros si quieres.
You can come with us if you want.
No te gustarán.
You won’t like them.
No quiero seguir.
I don’t want to continue (go on)
Despídete de ellos.
Say good-bye to them.
Estoy esperando que salgan de la sala.
I’m waiting for them to leave the room.
Mira en ambos sentidos antes de cruzar.
Look both ways before crossing.
Me gustaría ser famoso.
I would like to be famous.
Siéntate y escúchame un momento.
Sit down and listen to me for a moment.
Por qué lo hiciste así?
Why did you do it that way? (like that)
Me dijeron que estabas enfadado.
They told me you were angry.
Te importa que fume?
Do you mind if I smoke?
No son lo suficientemente altos.
They aren’t tall enough.
Hay demasiada gente aquí.
There are too many people here.
Si oyes un ruido extraño, llámame.
If you hear a strange noise, call me.
Me puedes ayudar a llevar esto a la cocina?
Can you help me (to) take this to the kitchen?
A qué hora tienen que estar aquí?
What time do they have to be here?
Estoy buscando a quien me lleve al hotel.
I am looking for someone to take me to the hotel.
Deséales suerte.
Wish them luck.
Qué vas a hacer?
What are you going to do?
Qué va a pasar?
What’s going to happen?
Qué tal sus vacaciones?
How was your vacation?
No hay tanta gente aquí como en mi país.
There aren’t as many people here as in my country.
Dónde vas a conseguirlo?
Where are you going to get it?
No lo he visto.
I haven’t seen it.
Esa gente es como tú y yo.
Those people are like you and me.
No trates de ser diferente.
Don’t try to be different.
No lo hice.
I didn’t do it.
Quién lo hizo?
Who did it?
Lo hicieron ellos?
Did they do it?
Te importaría usar el otro coche?
Would you mind using the other car?
Había mucha gente allí cuando llegué.
There were a lot of people there when I arrived.
Mi gente no hace cosa así.
My people don’t do things like that.
Vas a lamentarlo.
You’re going to regret it (be sorry)
Pensé que estarías de acuerdo.
I thought you agree.
Ten paciencia.
Be patient.