Vascular System Flashcards
Subclavian Artery Branches
- vertebral
- internal thoracic
- pericardiophrenic
- (rami perforantes)
- (ant intercostales)
- musculophrenic
- sup epigastric
- post cervical trunk
- intercostalis superior
- cervicalis profunda
- thyrocervical trunk
- inferior thyroid
- ascending cervical
- transverse cervical
- superficial cervical
- suprascapular
- dorsal scapular (sometimes a branch of trans cervical)
Continues on to become axillary artery
Axillary Artery Branches
- sup thoracic
- thoracoacromial:
- rami pectoralis, deltoid, acromial
- subscapular
- thoracodoraslis and circumflexa scapulae
- circumflexa posterii humerii
- circumflexa anterior humerii
- thoracolateralis
- branches
- profunda brachii
- sup ulnar collateral
- inf ulnar collateral
Thoracic Aorta Branches
Visceral and Parietal Branches:
- bronchial (v)
- pericardial (v)
- oesophageal (v)
- mediastinal (v)
- post intercostal (3 - 11) (p)
- sup phrenic (p)
- subcostal (p)
External Carotid Artery
- sup thyroid
- lingual
- facial
- (sternocleidomastoid)
- ascending pharyngeal
- occipital
- post auricular
- maxillary
- superficial temporal
Opthalmic Artery
- lacrimalis
- centrales retinae
- ciliares longis i brevis
- ciliares anteriores
- rami musculares
- supraorbitalis
- palpabralis mediales
- ethmoidal anteriores
- ethmoidal posteriores
- dorsalis
- frontalis
Abdominal Aorta
Visceral Paired
- suprarenalis media
- renalis
- ovaria / testicularis
Abdominal Aorta
Visceral Unpaired
- celiac trunk
- superior mesenteric
- inferior mesenteric
Abdominal Aorta
Parietal Branches
- aa lumbales
- a phrenic inf
- median sacral
Coeliac Trunk
T12 level
- splenic:
- left gastroepiloic
- panceatic branches
- short gastric arteries (to fundus)
- common hepatic:
- proper hepatic, left and right hepatic, cystic from right
- right gastric
- gastroduodenal; right gastroepiploic and pancreaticoduodenalis sup
- left gastric
Superior Mesenteric Artery
- pancreaticoduodenalis inf
- jejunalis et ilei
- iliocolica - appendicularis
- colica dextra
- colica media
Inferior Mesenteric Artery
- colica sinsistra
- sigmoidei
- rectalis sup
Inetrnal Iliac
Visceral Branches
- umbilicales - vesicales sup
- vesicales inf
- rectalis media
- pudenda interna - uterina - vaginalis, tubarius, ovaricus
- ductus deferens
Internal Iliac
Parietal Branches
- iliolumbar
- sacralis lateralis
- gluteal (sup et inf)
- pudenda interna (both parietal and visceral)
- obturator
IMA Anastamoses
There are two major anastamoses of the IMA, both involving a union with branches of thesuperior mesenteric artery:
Marginal artery (of Drummond) – forms a continuous arterial circle along the inner border of the colon. Straight vessels (vasa recta) arise from the artery to supply the colon. It is formed by the union of several branches; the ileocolic, right colic and middle colic of the SMA and left colic and sigmoid branches of the IMA.
Arc of Riolan – anastamosis between the middle colic branch of SMA and the left colic branch of IMA. It is less common than the marginal artery, and indeed its existence has been questioned by some surgeons.
External Iliac
The common iliac artery bifurcates into the internal iliac artery and external iliac artery at the level of the pelvic brim anterior to the sacroiliac joint.
The external iliac artery courses medially along the iliopsoas muscle . After it enters the thigh under the inguinal ligament, it changes name and continues as the femoral artery, supplying the lower limb.
inferior epigastric artery
deep circumflex iliac artery