VASCULAR Flashcards
What are the sxs of acute arterial occlusion?
- Pain
- paralysis
- pallor
- paresthesia
- polar
- pulselessness
Pt can you usually tell you exactly when/where pain started
How do you dx arterial occlusion?
Agram, ECG (MI & Afib), Echo
How do you treat acute arterial occlusion?
Surgical embolectomy
What should we always look for after acute arterial occlusion?
Compartment syndrome
What is the triad of sxs for aortic aneurysm that would indicate immediate OR?
abdominal pain, pulsatile mass, hypotension
What is normal sized aorta?
At what size is an aorta indicated for surgery?
> 5.5cm
What is the MC cause of death after aortic aneurysm?
MI!! always watch for it!
And watch out for colonic ischemia due to the IMA being sacrificed
If a pt has hairless, shiny/scaly skin, with absent pulses – Dx?
Peripheral artery insufficiency
What are some other diagnosis that are associated with peripheral artery disease?
Venous stasis
PVD (claudication & erectile dysfunction)
How do you treat peripheral artery disease?
Stent of bypass
What are the types of gangrene?
Dry & Wet
Which type of gangrene often has sxs of infection associated with it?
Wet – moist necrotic tissue
What is blue toe syndrome? Tx?
Intermittent painful blue toes due to microemboli from a proximal artery or plaque
Tx with CCB (like Raynaud’s)
At what stage pressure ulcer can you see fascia but not bone or tissue (muscle) underneath?
Stage 3
How do we typically describe a stage 1 pressure ulcer?
Non-blanching erythematous