vascular Flashcards
normal vessels (not on test)
Intima - single layer of endothelial cells attached to basement membrane; demarcated from media by internal elastic lamina
Media of elastic arteries (e.g., aorta) arranged in layers of lamellar units of elastin fibers and smooth muscle cells like tree rings- high elastin content allows vessels to expand during systole and recoil during
In muscular arteries, media is mostly made of circumferentially oriented smooth muscle cells
arteries divided based on size and structure
(1) large or elastic arteries including the aorta, the major branches of the aorta, and pulmonary arteries
(2) medium-sized or muscular arteries comprising smaller branches of the aorta (e.g., coronary and renal arteries)
(3) small arteries (≤2 mm in diameter) and arterioles (20 to 100 µm in diameter) within tissues and organs
capillaries (not on test)
-slightly smaller (5 µm) than diameter of a red blood cell; have endothelial cell lining but no media
-Collectively, have a huge cross-sectional area and also relatively low flow rate
-Thin walls and slow flow allows for exchange of diffusible substances between blood and tissues
-Blood from capillary beds flows into postcapillary venules and then sequentially through collecting venules and small, medium, and large veins
-Relative to arteries, veins have larger diameters, larger lumens, are thinner with less well-organized walls
-Lymphatics are thin-walled, endothelium-lined channels that drain lymph (water, electrolytes, glucose, fat, proteins, and inflammatory cells) from the interstitium of tissues, eventually reconnecting with the blood stream via the thoracic duct
congenital anomalies
-Arteriovenous fistulas aka ArterioVenous Malformation (AVM) - direct connections between arteries and veins that bypass capillaries
-Occur most commonly as developmental defects
-Also result from rupture of arterial aneurysm into adjacent vein, from penetrating injuries that pierce arteries and veins, or from inflammatory necrosis of adjacent vessels
-Surgically generated arteriovenous fistulas provide vascular access for chronic hemodialysis
-Can rupture
-“hardening of the arteries”; generic term for arterial wall thickening and loss of elasticity
-Four general patterns; different clinical and pathologic consequences:
-Arteriolosclerosis affects small arteries and arterioles and may cause downstream ischemic injury
-Mönckeberg medial sclerosis: calcifications of medial walls of muscular arteries, typically along internal elastic membrane; usually adults > 50 yrs; calcifications do not encroach on vessel lumen, usually not clinically significant.
-Fibromuscular intimal hyperplasia occurs in muscular arteries larger than arterioles; driven by inflammation (e.g., healed arteritis) or mechanical injury (e.g., associated with stents or balloon angioplasty)
-Atherosclerosis, from Greek root words for “gruel” and “hardening,”: most frequent and clinically important pattern
-Disease of arteries
-Vascular intima: atheromas or atheromatous plaques
-Plaques cause narrowing/obstruction of the vessel lumen and weaken the media.
risk factors: atherosclerosis
-Sex (increased in men and postmenopausal women)
-Family history – most important independent risk factor
-Genetic abnormalities
atheroma (plaque)
-Three major components:
-1. Cells: smooth muscle, macrophages, leukocytes (T lymphocytes)
-2. ECM: collagen, elastic fibers, proteoglycans
-3. Intracellular and extracellular lipid
-Current model: response to injury – chronic inflammatory and healing response of the arterial wall initiated by endothelial injury!!!!!!!!!
Hypercholesterolemia - impairs endothelial cell function by increasing local ROS (reactive oxygen species)
Hemodynamic effects:
-Areas of disturbed, turbulent blood flow - more plaques
-Laminar blood flow protects against AS
-Hypertension directly increases hemodynamic stress on endothelial cells
-Inflammation – triggered by accumulation of cholesterol crystals and free fatty acids in macrophages and other cells
-Endothelial injury in vivo may also be caused by cigarette smoke, homocysteine, viruses and bacteria ? (CMV and C.pneumoniae studies – circumstantial evidence)
-Hyperhomocysteinemia – increased serum homocysteine levels correlate with coronary atherosclerosis, PVD, stroke, venous thrombosis
response to injury hypothesis: chronic endothelial injury
-hemodynamic factors
-immune reactions
pathogenesis: overview of progression
-Endothelial injury: endothelial dysfunction causes increased permeability, wbc adhesion, and exposure to thrombogenic agents (thrombosis)
-Accumulation of lipoproteins (mostly LDL), in vessel wall; lipoproteins undergo oxidation; intracellular and extracellular accumulation of lipids
-Monocytes (mostly) adhere to endothelium, migrate into intima and transform into macrophages/foam cells; platelets also adhere to endothelium
-Factors (e.g., PDGF, FGR) released from activated platelets, macrophages, and vascular cells cause smooth muscle cells to migrate from media to intima
-Smooth muscle cells proliferate in intima and produce ECM so that collagen and proteoglycans accumulate and plaque mature
-Lipid accumulation – extracellulary and within macrophages and smooth muscle cells
-Calcification of ECM and necrotic debris late in pathogenesis
hypercholesteremia in plaque formation
-LDL is mostly cholesterol
-Chronic hypercholesteremia may cause endothelial dysfunction by producing oxygen free radicals
-Lipoproteins accumulate within intima
-LDL in macrophages oxidized by free radical generation, then engulfed by macrophages via the scavenger receptor
inflammatory cells in AS (dont need all details)
-Inflammation triggered by accumulation of cholesterol crystals and free fatty acids in macrophages
-Dysfunctional endothelial cells express surface selective adhesion molecules, VCAM-1 – binds monocytes and T lymphocytes
-Monocytes adhere to endothelium, migrate to intima, and transform to macrophages that engulf oxidized LDL
-Progressive accumulation of lipids
-Macrophages produce IL-1,TNF and chemokines further increasing adhesion of wbcs
-T-lymphs and monocytes also interact with cytokines and a chronic inflammatory state develops
maturation/stabilization of plaque
-Smooth muscle cells migrate from media to intima, proliferate, and elaborate ECM components
-Growth factors such as PDGF, FGF, and TGF contribute to smooth muscle cell proliferation
-Smooth muscle cells in vessel wall make extracellular matrix molecules (esp. collagen) which stabilize plaques
what can happen?
-Rupture, ulceration, erosion (exposes blood stream to highly thrombogenic substances) leading to thrombosis and possible complete occlusion
-Hemorrhage into plaque; may extend plaque or induce rupture
-Aneurysm formation leads to wall weakness
atherosclerosis progression (dont need to know all diff types)
-Type I – isolated macrophage foam cells!!
-Type II – intracellular lipid accumulation
-Type III - Type II + small extracellular lipid pools
-Type IV – Type II + core of extracellular lipid
-Type V – lipid core and fibrotic layer, or multiple lipid cores, fibrotic/calcific layer
-Type VI – surface defect; hematoma/ hemorrhage/thrombosis
-fatty steaks are earliest lesions seen
non atherosclerosis vascular diseases
-vein disorders
-HYPERTENSION causes ATHEROSCLEROSIS: Pressure causes intimal damage.
-ATHEROSCLEROSIS causes HYPERTENSION. Reduction of lumen sizes increases pressure.
secondary HTN (dont need to know)
-Acute glomerulonephritis
-Chronic renal disease
-Polycystic disease
-Renal artery stenosis
-Renal artery fibromuscular dysplasia
-Renal vasculitis
-Renin-producing tumors
-Adrenocortical hyperfunction
(Cushing syndrome, primary aldosteronism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, licorice ingestion)
-Exogenous hormones (glucocorticoids, estrogen [including pregnancy-induced and oral contraceptives], sympathomimetics and tyramine-containing foods, monoamine oxidase inhibitors)
-Pheochromocytoma, Acromegaly, Hypothyroidism (myxedema), Hyperthyroidism
-Cardiovascular: Coarctation of aorta, Polyarteritis nodosa (or other vasculitis)
Increased intravascular volume
-MISC: Increased cardiac output, Rigidity of the aorta, Neurologic, Psychogenic, Increased intracranial pressure, Sleep apnea, Acute stress, including, surgery
renin -> angiotensin -> Aldosterone axis (RAAS)
-Renin: proteolytic enzyme made by renal juxtaglomerular cells, released in response to
-low blood pressure in afferent arterioles
-elevated levels of circulating catecholamines
-or low sodium levels in the distal convoluted renal tubules
-Renin cleaves plasma angiotensinogen to angiotensin I; converted to angiotensin II by angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), mainly from vascular endothelium
-Angiotensin II raises blood pressure by:
-(1) inducing vascular contraction
-(2) stimulating aldosterone secretion by adrenal gland
-(3) increasing tubular sodium resorption
-Adrenal aldosterone increases blood pressure by effect on blood volume; aldosterone increases sodium resorption (and thus water) in distal convoluted tubules, which increases blood volume