heart Flashcards
Extracted Text
the heart: Normal Pathology (not on test)
-Heart Failure: Left, Right
-Heart Disease
-Congenital: ASD, VSD, PDA, Tetralogy of Fallot
-Ischemic: Angina, Infarction, Chronic Ischemia, Sudden Death
-Hypertensive Heart Disease
-Valvular: AS, MVP, Rheumatic, Infective endocarditis, Non-Infective
-Cardiomyopathy: Dilated, Hypertrophic, Restrictive, Myocarditis
-Pericardium: Effusions, Pericarditis
-Tumors: Primary, Metastatic
valves (not on test)
cardiac pump problems
-Failure of the pump –MC problem
-Cardiac muscle contracts weakly and chambers cannot empty properly— (systolic dysfunction)
-Myocardium cannot relax enough to allow ventricular filling – (diastolic dysfunction)
-Obstruction to flow - Lesions that prevent valve opening (e.g., calcific aortic valve stenosis) or cause increased ventricular chamber pressures (e.g., systemic hypertension) can overwork myocardium (has to pump against obstruction)
-Regurgitant flow- Valve pathology that allows backward flow of blood results in increased volume workload; may overwhelm pumping capacity of affected chambers
-Shunted flow - Defects (congenital or acquired) that divert blood inappropriately from one chamber to another, leading to pressure and volume overloads
-Disorders of cardiac conduction - Uncoordinated cardiac impulses or blocked conduction pathways can cause arrhythmias that slow contractions or prevent effective pumping
-Rupture of the heart or major vessel - Loss of circulatory continuity (e.g., a gunshot wound through the thoracic aorta) may lead to massive blood loss, hypotensive shock, and death
CHF (normal- not on test)
-Heart cannot pump blood adequately to meet metabolic demands of peripheral tissues
-Fluid overload, abrupt valvular dysfunction, or myocardial infarction, can cause sudden CHF
-Initially, compensatory mechanisms try to maintain arterial pressure and organ perfusion:
-!!!!Frank-Starling mechanism: Increased filling volumes dilate the heart, increasing actin-myosin cross-bridge formation, and enhancing contractility and stroke volume
-Activation of neurohumoral systems: aid heart function and/or regulate filling volumes and pressures
-Release of norepinephrine by adrenergic nerves of the autonomic nervous system: elevates heart rate, augments myocardial contractility and increases vascular resistance
-Activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system: promotes water and salt retention (augmenting circulatory volume) and increases vascular tone
-Release of atrial natriuretic peptide: counterbalances the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system by diuresis and vascular smooth muscle relaxation
-Myocardial adaptations
-Ventricular remodeling: general term for collective molecular, cellular, and structural changes that occur in response to injury or altered ventricular loading
CHF causes
-Heart failure can result from progressive deterioration of myocardial contractile function (systolic dysfunction)—reflected as a decrease in ejection fraction (EF = percentage of blood volume ejected from ventricle during systole; normal approximately 45% to 65%)
-Reduction in EF can occur with:
-ischemic injury
-inadequate adaptation to pressure or volume overload due to hypertension or valvular disease
-ventricular dilation
-Heart failure may result from inability of heart chamber to expand and fill sufficiently during diastole (diastolic dysfunction), due to left ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial fibrosis, constrictive pericarditis, or amyloid deposition
cardiac hypertrophy: patho and progression to HF
-Sustained increase in mechanical work of either ventricle due to pressure overload, volume overload, or trophic signals (e.g., activation of β-adrenergic receptors) causes increase in !myocyte size (hypertrophy)!
-Pressure-overload hypertrophy (e.g., hypertension or aortic stenosis): new sarcomeres predominantly assembled in parallel to long axes of cells, expanding cross-sectional area of myocytes in ventricles- results in concentric wall thickness increase
-Volume-overload hypertrophy (e.g., valvular regurgitation): new sarcomeres assembled in series within existing sarcomeres, leading primarily to ventricular dilation
-Hypertrophied heart vulnerable to ischemia:
-Larger myocytes need more blood
-Larger heart has increased metabolism needs because of increased mass, heart rate, contractility – increase oxygen consumption
LEFT sided HF: Causes
-Most often caused by:
-IHD (ischemic heart disease)
-Aortic and mitral valvular diseases
-Primary myocardial diseases
-Clinical and morphologic effects of left-sided CHF: consequence of passive congestion (blood backing up in the pulmonary circulation), stasis of blood in the left-sided chambers, and inadequate perfusion of downstream tissues leading to organ dysfunction
-Left-sided heart failure divided into systolic and diastolic failure:
-Systolic failure - insufficient ejection fraction (pump failure)
-Diastolic failure - left ventricle abnormally stiff and cannot relax during diastole; hypertension most common cause
left sided HF
-Left ventricle usually hypertrophied, often dilated -> not increase in cells but increase in size
-Enlarged heart (cardiomegaly, CXR), tachycardia, a third heart sound due to volume overload (S3), or a fourth heart sound (S4) due to increased myocardial stiffness
-Lungs: Pulmonary congestion and edema (heavy, wet lungs) – micro will show “heart failure cells”; Initially, cough and dyspnea may occur with exertion; with progression - orthopnea or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, dyspnea at rest
-tachy- heart has to work harder
-Auscultation: fine rales at lung bases (edematous pulmonary alveoli snap open during inspiration)
-Moderate CHF: reduced ejection fraction leads to decreased renal perfusion, activating renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system leading to salt and water retention; if renal hypoperfusion severe, may cause prerenal azotemia (excess nitrogen compounds in blood, may lead to renal failure)
-Very severe CHF, cerebral hypoperfusion can lead to hypoxic encephalopathy: irritability, loss of attention span, and restlessness; can progress to stupor and coma
LEFT heart failure main symptoms
-PND (Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspnea)
-Blood tinged sputum
right sided heart failure causes
-MC caused by left-sided heart failure (any increase in pressure in the pulmonary circulation from left-sided failure burdens right side of the heart)
-Causes of right-sided heart failure include all the causes for left-sided heart failure.; isolated right-sided heart failure not as common - typically occurs in patients with lung diseases (cor pulmonale)
-Cor pulmonale can also be secondary to primary pulmonary hypertension, recurrent pulmonary thromboembolism, or conditions that cause pulmonary vasoconstriction (obstructive sleep apnea, altitude sickness)
-Pulmonary congestion minimal; engorgement of systemic and portal venous systems pronounced
right sided HF
-Congestion of hepatic and portal vessels lead to changes in liver, spleen, and gastrointestinal tract:
-Liver increased in size and weight (congestive hepatomegaly) caused by passive congestion; Grossly: congested red-brown pericentral zones, with relatively normal-colored tan periportal regions, produce characteristic “nutmeg liver”
-Portal venous hypertension causes enlargement of spleen with platelet sequestration (congestive splenomegaly)
-Systemic venous congestion can lead to fluid accumulation (effusions) in the pleural, pericardial, or peritoneal spaces (ascites)
-Hallmark of right sided heart failure: Edema of peripheral and dependent portions of the body, especially foot/ankle (pedal) and pretibial edema
-Renal congestion more marked with right-sided heart failure = more fluid retention and peripheral edema, azotemia
-Hypoxia of CNS can also produce deficits of mental function
right heart failure symptoms
-“Dependent” edema
-Hepatomegaly (congestion)
-Increased peripheral venous pressure (CVP)
CHF labs
-Usually patients have both right and left sided heart failure
-Serum levels of BNP used to assess CHF (BNP released by ventricular cardiomyocytes during increased wall stress)
-Echocardiography helpful: measure ejection fraction, wall motion, valvular function, and possible mural thrombosis
-Treatment initially focused on correcting any underlying cause (e.g., valvular defect or inadequate cardiac perfusion)
-Also salt restriction, diuretics (reduce volume overload), inotropes (increase myocardial contractility), adrenergic blockers or ACE inhibitors (reduce afterload)
congenital heart disease
-Cause unknown in almost 90% of cases; most probably interaction of environment and multiple genes (multifactorial)
-Three categories:
* Left-to-right shunt
* Right-to-left shunt
* Obstruction
-Shunt = abnormal communication between chambers or blood vessels
CHD, L to R
-Left-to-right shunts (all have “D”s in their names) increase pulmonary blood flow but NOT initially associated with cyanosis; may develop pulmonary hypertension
-Atrial Septal Defect - Usually asymptomatic until adulthood; increase only right ventricular and pulmonary outflow volumes; usually don NOT show symptoms before 30 years
-Ventricular septal defect - Most common CHD defect; only 30% are isolated; often with TETRALOGY of FALLOT
-50% of small muscular VSDs close spontaneously
-large defects usually cause significant left-to-right shunting, leading to early right ventricular hypertrophy and pulmonary hypertension
-Patent Ductus Arteriosus -During intrauterine life, allows blood flow from pulmonary artery to aorta, bypassing unoxygenated lungs; usually ductus closes within 1 to 2 days of birth (because of increased arterial oxygenation, decreased pulmonary vascular resistance, and declining local levels of prostaglandin E2
-PDAs account for about 7% of cases of CHD; 90% isolated: Characteristic, continuous, harsh “machinery-like” murmur
-Isolated PDA should be closed early; therapy includes prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors and possibly surgical interventions
congenital HD R to L shunts
-When blood from right side of circulation flows directly into the left side (right-to-left shunt), hypoxemia and cyanosis result (because pulmonary circulation is bypassed and poorly oxygenated venous blood shunts directly into systemic arterial supply)
-Right-to-left shunts: ( all have “T”s in their names)
-tetralogy of Fallot (TOF)!!!
-dont need to know the rest:
-transposition of the great arteries (TGA),
-persistent truncus arteriosus
-tricuspid atresia
-total anomalous pulmonary venous connection
R -> L shunts
-(1) VSD
-(2) obstruction of right ventricular outflow tract (subpulmonic stenosis),
-(3) an aorta that overrides the VSD
-(4) right ventricular hypertrophy
-Heart usually enlarged, classically “boot-shaped” because of marked right ventricular hypertrophy
-VSD usually large with aortic valve at superior border, overriding the defect and both ventricular chambers
-The obstruction to right ventricular outflow most often due to narrowing of the infundibulum (subpulmonic stenosis)
-Depending on severity of the subpulmonic stenosis, untreated TOF can be tolerated into adulthood; 10% of unoperated individuals are alive at 20 years of age
-!!!With more severe right ventricular outflow obstruction, right-sided pressures approach or exceed left-sided pressures, and right-to-left shunting develops, producing cyanosis (classic TOF)
The aorta is positioned directly over a ventricular septal defect (VSD), instead of over the left ventricle. Result - the aorta receives some blood from the right ventricle, causing mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, reducing amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues
ischemic heart disease
-Single largest cause of mortality worldwide
-90% of IHD patients have ATHEROSCLEROSIS
-Angina Pectoris: Stable, Unstable
-Myocardial Infarction
-Chronic IHD CHF
-Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD)
-“Acute” Coronary Syndromes:
-Acute myocardial infarction
-SCD (Sudden Cardiac Death)
acute plaque change
-Erosion/Ulceration, exposing ECM
-Acute Hemorrhage
-Please note - Plaques do NOT have to be severely stenotic to cause acute changes, i.e., 50% of AMI results from thromboses of plaques showing LESS THAN 50% stenosis
-but stable angina requires 75% stenosis
coronary artery patho in ischemic heart disease
dont need severe stenosis for an MI
angina pectoris
-Chest pain
-Paroxysmal (sudden)
-15 sec -> 15 min.
-Reduced perfusion, but NO infarction!
-STABLE: relieved by rest or nitro
-PRINZMETAL: SPASM is main feature, responds to nitro
-UNSTABLE (crescendo, PRE-infarction, Q-wave angina): pattern of increasingly frequent, prolonged (>20 min), or severe angina, usually occurring at rest -> associated with plaque disruption and superimposed partial thrombosis